Visual test: the first animal you saw will reveal important traits in your way of being

Learn how you do with others in any environment with the following visual challenge to test your cognitive skills.




Visual riddle, those challenges that go viral in social networks where thousands of users seek to know their personality traits or how they will fare in any circumstance in their lives. They are those tests where one seeks to feel identified by the current context of their environment. Therefore, we bring you a new test for this month of March.

Now we will touch the animals, scattered in a multiple illustration in colors and figures, which with the creativity of human beings can form figures that generate representativeness in each one. What you should observe is the first animal you saw in the picture, to meet the requirements of the psychological test.

Then, below you will have the complete solution where finding your decision is vital to know those traits that differentiate you from others, not a minor detail to know your true way of being. brings a new image to pay attention to any graphic element. Review the information well and good luck.

What animal did you see in this psychological riddle? Know unique traits of your way of being. (Photo: Genial.Guru)


A lot of attention. If the first animal you saw was the zebra, the words funny, influential and charismatic say everything about you. Your way of being is aimed at being very active and spontaneous, with a very contagious personality. That's why people follow you. You're a wonderful company to hang out with. Your communication skills are unbeatable and you could become a very good salesperson.

However, you get bored if you have to do the same thing over and over again, and you always need something new in your life. They can be new events or new people, as long as each day a different situation comes. Understand, accept and progress.

The cat

If you saw the cat in the first place, you are a person who does not like to talk much, so many may think that you are shy. The real reason is that you prefer to look at a distance and analyze what you see, rather than be in the middle of the action.

Honestly, you don't care what people around you think of you, and you prefer that others do the same. You make your own rules and stick to them, you are independent and self-sufficient.

The duck

If the animal you saw is the duck, you are a 100% optimist and there is nothing that can make you feel dejected. For you, the glass is not half full or half empty, but it is overflowing. That's why you live in the moment and love to experience life to the fullest where you enjoy exploring new places, learning new skills, and your curiosity knows no bounds.

The koala

If the first animal you saw is the koala, you are a very calm person and you like to live each day at your own pace, no matter what else. You are a very kind, sensitive, caring and considerate person. All the more so because your friends know that you are literally a phone call away and that they can always count on you.

You don't like big parties in general, you measure that balance between going out to meetings. You prefer to spend your free time quietly with a good movie or reading a good book in a relaxing way. In short, you are altruistic and like to help others without expecting anything in return. You lecture even if you live with loneliness, but that doesn't limit you to showing what you are like.

The elephant

If the elephant is the first animal you saw, you are very genuine and care deeply about everything around you. You are loyal, responsible, and your family, as well as your friends, can always trust you. If they need help, they know exactly that they can count on you.

And, one way or another, you always find a solution for every problem. Not only are you a good listener, you are an incredible and unsurpassed problem solver. Your family and friends are always your priority, and you enjoy when the people around you are doing well.

The bear

If the first thing you saw was the bear, you are very logical, conservative and traditional, you have very high values and you build your life according to them. You are calm and observant, you don't like noisy companies or crowded places; you always seek harmony. You are very sensitive, thoughtful and diplomatic.

You believe in rules and regulations; besides, spontaneous decisions are not your style. Therefore, you are a reliable worker, very dedicated and perfectionist. You take the phrase “deadline” very seriously and expect others to do it too.

If the giraffe was the first thing you saw, you are a social butterfly and a born cheerleader. You are very flexible, you can adapt to any group and you become the center of groups in the blink of an eye. You love talking and can really hold a conversation with anyone even when you're carefree. You're on the ground.

Although it seems that nothing can make you sad, you are very sensitive. You are loyal to your friends and expect the same from them. You don't like routine and you're likely to change jobs or hobbies frequently.

The pig

If the first animal you saw was the pig, it means that you are very independent and work better when you are alone. You have a very sharp mind and you go through situations so quickly that it makes you lazy to have to explain it to others, because you think it is a waste of time.

You look at the small details, you have a brilliant memory and with your exceptional analytical skills they could make you very effective in any type of research. Although you can't be called an extrovert, you get along very well with people. Moderate, but bold.

The rabbit

If the rabbit was the first thing you saw, that could mean that you are very creative, full of energy and contagiously happy. You always bring laughter and joy to everyone, everywhere, and this leads to many people seeking your friendship. Your incredible sense of humor instantly makes you the center of attention, no matter if you're at work or at a party.

Some people may think you're a little shallow, but that's a far cry from reality. You're very thoughtful, friendly, and you like to see people laugh. But sometimes even you need a break.

The lion

If the lion was the first thing you saw, you are a born leader. Naturally, you know how to convince people to follow you based on achieving a common goal, but sometimes you can have a tendency to be too dominant, and your power can be a little overwhelming. You are not afraid of challenges because you like them, as they give you the opportunity to show what you can do, and feel like a winner. You are very competitive and have extraordinary strategic skills.

The owl

If you saw the owl as the first animal, you are a very analytical and deep thinking person, and you prefer to work on your own. You like to have a quiet time and don't feel comfortable in social situations. You like to have everything well organized and in order, any chaotic situation irritates you. You're a perfectionist, and sometimes you expect the same from others.


