They gave 40 years in prison to the murderer of the minor Fernanda Paola

The person responsible was arrested in 2018 and sentenced after four years

TOLUCA, ESTADO DE MÉXICO, 19DICIEMBRE2017.- Al gritó de justicia marcharon mujeres y hombres y familiares de Rosalinda Esthefanie, quien desapareciera el 14 de diciembre fuera encontrada muerta en el municipio de Acambay, el contingente recorrió las principales calles de Toluca hasta llegar al edifico de la Fiscalia General de Justicia del Estado de México. FOTO: ARTEMIO GUERRA BAZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Gerardo Enrique Alvarado Nopaltitla was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the aggravated murder of a girl under 16 years of age in the State of Mexico.

The Public Ministry of the Specialized Prosecutor for Femicide of the Attorney General's Office of the State of Mexico (FGJEM) accredited Gerardo Enrique's participation in the murder of the minor Fernanda Paola, according to a statement from the FGJEM.

The crime occurred in a home located in the Anahuac neighborhood, Primera Sección, in the municipality of Acolman, where the convicted suffocated the minor on January 25, 2018.

Fernanda Paola was last seen on January 25 at a sports car located in Acolman, State of Mexico, where she would see a friend of hers. After that, there was no further news of her, so her relatives began an intense search to find her whereabouts.

However, residents of the municipality of Tezoyuca found the girl's body on January 26, as the accused transferred the body to the streets of the municipality, who informed the authorities of the discovery.

(photo: FGJEM)

Once informed, the agents of the state prosecutor's office carried out the investigations to identify and arrest the person responsible. Once sufficient evidence had been obtained, the Social Representative requested from a judge the arrest warrant against the now convicted man.

Days later, the aggressor was arrested and admitted to the Texcoco Prison and Social Reintegration Centre, where he was placed at the disposal of a judge who linked him to the trial and subsequently sentenced him.

The FGJEM also reported that apart from the custodial sentence, “this individual must pay a fine of 61,852 pesos and 193,508 pesos”, in addition to the fact that his civil and political rights were suspended.

Gerardo Enrique was arrested in February 2018. According to authorities, he was caught on a video camera when he left the minor's body.

(photo: FGJEM)

According to information from the authorities, Gerardo was a friend of Fernanda Paola, who invited her to the sports car, but changed the place at the last minute and convinced her to go home. Similarly, in June of the same year, there was a demonstration in which the inhabitants of Totolcingo along with Fernanda's relatives marched to demand the arrest of the accomplices in the murder.

In that demonstration, the family declared that Gerardo's mother, brother and father were involved in the crime, who helped in the transfer of the body to Tezoyuca to set up the scene and throw off the authorities.

As for the crime, it was not marked as femicide since the judge determined that there was no rape involved, so it was aggravated homicide.

The murder of Fernanda Paola was not classified as femicide (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The Federal Penal Code establishes femicide when a woman is deprived of her life for reasons of gender and identifies 7 circumstances that will be taken as reasons of gender:

When an act is not credited as femicide, it will be tried under the concept of homicide.

