The new appearance of Piedad Córdoba before JEP for the assassination of Alvaro Gomez has already been dated.

A senator elected by a history agreement must reiterate his testimony of the crimes of the leader of the Conservative Party after supporting the version in which a former FARC combatant claimed responsibility for the murder.


The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) established a new date of appearance that the elected Senator of Piedad Córdoba should write about information about the assassination of Alvaro Gómez Hurtado after the Peace Court reviewed the guardianship raised by a relative of a conservative leader. His rights as a victim were violated because he was not able to attend and live in real time at the first hearing provided by the members of the History Treaty.

One of the arguments that gave the greatest weight to the decision of the special court was the quality of the victims of the members of the conservative leader's family. Judge Alejandro Lamelli was the one who said that the rights of victims should take precedence over JEP. This position is supported by jurists Raúl Eduardo Sánchez and Gustavo Salazar. Maria del Pilar Valencia and Reinere Zaramillo opposed it.

According to Karakol Radio, on Thursday, March 24, Cordoba will have to return to JEP after the cancellation of the first story, following the actions of relatives of Gomez Hurgtado.

They reported on the radio that they entered this assassination trial after a former FARC combatant, and the current House of Commons Party Congressman Carlos Antonio Lozada was convinced that the senator knew the identity of the murderer.

This new summons come out in the middle of a new political revelation that even the former President of the Republic Juan Manuel Santos has popped out. What Cordoba said was announced exclusively by Noticias RCN, which revealed the interview she delivered to the Peace Court.

Córdoba formed Ernesto Samper and former President Juan Manuel Santos. Democratic Polar Senator Ivan Cepeda; Former Interior Minister Juan Fernando Cristo; Today Francisco de Lou, head of the Truth Committee; and Rodrigo Londoño (Rodrigo Londoño), who is the head of the FARC, known as Timochenko, today's party director general politician.

Piedad Córdoba told JEP, as RCN News collected. “I knew (about the assassination) Ivan Cepeda, I knew this man Christ, and he knew (Juan Manuel) Santos.

Moreover, the political leader probably assured that Jesús Santrich spoke directly to the characters mentioned above and talked about the assassination. Córdoba stated that the former guerrilla and former President Santos had no warm relationship, on the contrary, that they were doing well. “Santos knew. Santos did, so the Nobel Peace Prize will tell you who killed Alvaro Gomez.” Cordova said.

On the other hand, he announced that apart from a conversation with former President Samper, he would have stated that FARC was responsible for the death of a conservative politician. “I went to talk to (Ernesto) Samper and he looked at me. He told me who it was, and he still thinks I'm crazy.” Córdoba said, providing JEP with other surprising details.

In addition, she admitted that on the day Jesús Santrich was arrested by justice, she was also almost arrested and kept clean in the gown of the Peace Court. “Why would I deny it, we were with Chavez, and we had many meetings on the topic of peace.” Leader.

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