“The National Guard is an absolute failure”: PAN in the Senate wants the heads of the GN and SSPC to appear

With a different approach, Damián Zepeda criticized the militarization of Mexico, and not the policy of “hugs, not bullets” by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrado.

ZACATECAS, ZAC. 05JULIO2021.- Elementos de Guardia Nacional resguardan la escena del crimen en donde fue localizado el cuerpo de una persona sin vida a un costado de la carretera federal 45, en la comunidad de Cieneguillas.  Alertados por estudiantes de la Unidad Académica de Agronomía de la UAZ, a unos pasos del lugar, indicaron que junto a un puente peatonal se encontraba cuerpo envuelto en una cobija. Esta mañana se han localizado 3 personas asesinadas en la capital zacatecana.
ZACATECAS, ZAC. 05JULIO2021.- Elementos de Guardia Nacional resguardan la escena del crimen en donde fue localizado el cuerpo de una persona sin vida a un costado de la carretera federal 45, en la comunidad de Cieneguillas. Alertados por estudiantes de la Unidad Académica de Agronomía de la UAZ, a unos pasos del lugar, indicaron que junto a un puente peatonal se encontraba cuerpo envuelto en una cobija. Esta mañana se han localizado 3 personas asesinadas en la capital zacatecana. FOTO: ADOLFO VLADIMIR /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Damián Zepeda, Senator of the National Action Party (PAN), said that the Albiazul bench in the Senate would reject a report from the National Guard (NG). Because the institution fails in the fight against crime and creates peace in Mexico.

On Tuesday, March 15, the head of Sonora Hermosillo recalled at a press conference that the report of the GN would be voted in the Senate, and he assured that “there will be an absolute rejection from the Senator of the National Action Party” due to “absolute failure”. A public security strategy coordinated by the administration of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).

In this regard, he recalled that there is more violence in Mexico now than ever. “There has never been such a murder due to organized crime and so much violence in the country as it is now,” he told the media.

In this regard, he expressed an assessment comparing the so-called 4T government with that of the Felipe Calderon Hino Investigation (PAN) and Enrique Peña Nieto (PRI), pointing out that there are three times more murders than current PAN players and twice as many murders as PRI.

“How can you do that?” The senator rebuked him for voting on the NG report, because, according to albiazul's point of view, the previous security policy was an “absolute disaster” and is now imitated because it was ruled by the National Regeneration Movement (Morena).

In this regard, he highlighted the presence of civilians in which López Obrador announced the formation of this, since about 90,000 of the 113,000 elements that make up the National Guard came from the Defense Secretariat (Sedena) and the Mexican Naval Secretariat (Semar), which is why López Obrador announced the formation of this new Mexican security force.

AMLO government appears to be the most violent in Mexico (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

What good is it? Extreme violence, such as shooting 17 people in Michoacán, if not defending Mexicans when there are cases of terrorism,” he said.He also recalled what happened with a college student in Zacatecas, a violent incident in Veracruz, and the besieged city of Sonora.

Against this background, PAN justified the reason for rejecting the report in question: he also said that he would demand results from the relevant authorities, and in this thought he would ask General Luis Rodríguez, commander of NG, General Luis Rodríguez, and Secretary of Security Civil Protection (SSPC), to appear before the Senate. Republic.

Finally, it should be noted that the criticism of Zepeda Vidales has moved away from the daily life of the PAN, denouncing militarism in Mexico when it is a policy of “hugs, not bullets” that are usually criticized in AMLO's security strategy. In the organized state, the passive state is calledcrime of the republic.

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