Strong speech and silence: Senate's strategy to approve an agreement with the IMF on Thursday

The ruling party will try to show that the credit cannot be paid and that it is the result of what Macri took; the opposition party, the irresponsibility of some sectors of the government.Campora and Christianity will travel in silence

Reuni—n de la Comisi—n de Presupuesto y Hacienda del Senado de la Naci—n, con la presencia del Ministro de Econom’a Lic. Mart’n Guazman, el Jefe de Gabinete de Ministros Juan Luis Manzur, el Presidente del Banco Central, Miguel Angel Pesce y la directora de la AFIP, Mercedes Marc— Del Pont, el 14 de Marzo de 2022, en Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Foto: Luciano Ingaramo / Comunicaci—n Senado.)

At the end of the budget committee meeting, where comments were signed to discuss a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Senator bJuntos for Change repeated: “We will meet today tomorrow morning and we will define it.”

The opposition block meeting is scheduled for 11.30 at the office of bAlfredo Cornejo, the head of the interblock. The point to be discussed is not whether or not the 33 senators will support the agreement with the fund. The deputies are clear, but the senators needed by the ruling party reach 2/3 and can sit down this week Whether or not the discussion will be passed.

Referring to those who call themselves falcons within the PRO, the opposition senator explained that “the hardest sector wants to sweat.” “They do not want to support the agreement if La Campora had not done so and are currently asking them not to hold it until it is clear what they are going to do with withholding, so they are asking them to comply with the regulations.” He adds.

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Juliana Di Tullio took office on behalf of Jorge Taiana, who became Minister of Defense (Photo: Charlie Diaz Azque/

The Senate's procedural rules state that there is an opinion and that 7 days must pass between the points being processed in the constituency. In order to advance this, 48 of the 72 senators must sit and vote. Today, without the support of Together for Change, the ruling party does not reach that number.

“I don't think the blood will touch the river. We agreed to do so quickly. It took 15 minutes for the committee to sign the comment.However, some people want to show their teeth. You will find out if they do so at the venue on Thursday.”

Several sources consulted regarding the speeches and positions to be carried out by Senators Juntos for Change said that although they are defined at today's meeting, the axes will pass through places similar to those heard from deputies. “The idea is a discourse that shows our responsibility and irresponsibility. To this will be added the inflation figures and the issue of withholding, but tomorrow - today will be well defined.”

In the ruling party, things are not getting better. José Mayans, the head of the block, called the meeting on the same Thursday morning to organize a session that afternoon, if he gets two thirds.

Formoseno is trying to emphasize that the block meeting held this Monday was “very good”, but other voices explained that while there were crosses and demands at a meeting held in Cristina Kirchner's office, the legislators were most related to Christianity and La Campora, take a step back and do something. It is assumed that it can be repeated in the premises: silence.

“We have to wait. Maximo Kirchner is not always here to point out, but there is Christina Kirchner. She was solidified by this, but we know that they will always point to her.We will remain silent and not ask for the floor at all, and the voting method has not yet been defined.” They explained in the vicinity of Guzmán and some senators who clearly do not ponder his work.

The counter-signing of the ruling of Senator Juliana Di Tullio and Santa Cruz correspondence Ana María Ianni somehow anticipated that the bloc would be divided, and pointed out that if anyone was suspicious, the Mayans “would vote in favor of more than half.” For now, doubts remain about 15 votes out of 35 votes in total.

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