Personality test: the cup you like the most will answer what is the superpower that stands out in you

Occult powers we have to stand out with your personality, and that's what you should find in the next psychological test.

Viral challenges for people to know secrets in their personalities, details so that they know why they act in a certain way with their environment, are what generates viralization in social networks. Therefore, this is a new opportunity to get to know your superpower with others, that which stands out from others.

What you should do is look at the following image where there are six types of cups. Each one with a different geometric figure, signs on how the heat smoke comes out in each cup, details that one must determine which one is the most attractive. Therefore, in the next viral test, choose one of them to answer what your superpower is.

You must decide in a concrete way so that you know those arguments that can pleasantly surprise you or lead you to reflection on what you are building as a person. Understand your environment well and move on because below you will have the answers to each cup. However, it is not worth changing your mind later, it is a single decision. Take a note and good luck.


First cup

If you chose this mug, it means that you are an ambitious person who jumps from success to success with tremendous ease that causes both admiration and jealousy. In that sense, this is thanks to your almost infinite energy and your devastating motivation. Sometimes you have even sacrificed friendships to continue your goals, but in general you are appreciated and you may even be a role model. Don't lose that course that can be considered superpower because not everyone acquires it.

Second cup

You are a very creative and atypical person. No less detail when it comes to teamwork. What you highlight best is that you know how to find the most unexpected solutions that practically no one has thought of. However, sometimes your ideas are so crazy that you are not properly understood and you look for any way to explain. But, when you get it right, you end up becoming the visionary, the prophet, of your closest group of friends. Contacts work, but your performance is the most valuable thing.

Third cup

With this mug, define in what you are a person with an enviable memory that recalls all kinds of details, experiences and facts from the past. In that sense, maybe a friend will call you the human Wikipedia because of the information you have. Sometimes that means you get caught up in nostalgia. However, once you overcome that trance, you know how to take advantage of what you experienced in the past to reach a better future. Take it as an experience.

Fourth cup

You are a gentle, calm person who takes his time to do things and who doesn't like to be rushed. You don't tolerate work under pressure because you need your reflection time. On the other hand, you know how to calm down and, most importantly, you know how to calm others down. Sometimes it would be convenient for you to speed up the pace, but in general you prefer to live life little by little, sip by sip, step by step to be safe.

Fifth cup

You are as honest, clear and transparent a person as possible. Sometimes that has meant getting you into trouble, since not everyone likes sincerity, but this power of yours has helped you empathize and connect with many people. The human being longs above all to be understood, and that is where you come in.

Sixth cup

You are an energetic and positive person. You may not realize it, but you are the cup of coffee for many of those around you: just by being by your side they immediately put on the batteries and act. Some people don't hold this pace for long, but you're too busy enjoying every moment to realize it. Dare and keep growing.