Pedro Castillo: The 10 most outstanding phrases of the President after sending a message to the Congress of the Republic

On Tuesday, March 15, Pedro Castillo addressed the Congress and sent a message to the country after various questions during the second vacancy campaign.

Pedro Castillo went to the Congress of the Republic to convey a message to the country. After the consent of the second vacancy was approved during the interrogation, the president talked about issues related to acts of corruption.

In addition, the head of state clarified some points that he had pointed out during these seven months.

The 10 most outstanding phrases of Pedro Castillo before the Congress

1.- The maritime, land and air sovereignty of the Peruvian country is respected and does not change!

2.- It is never mentioned that Bolivia has sovereignty over our territory and has access to the sea, and it will never do so.

3.- Call for the strongest and widest unity among Peruvian women, and have them faith and confidence in the country's future.

4.- It is time to end minor disputes and strive towards a great national goal.

5.- It is time to end the polarization and uncertainty that hinders our growth and development.

6.- The Office of the Ombudsman, the body responsible for the defense of the fundamental rights of the community, are delegates with an expired mandate to promote the vacancy of the President of the Republic.

7.- I ask you to face the demon of corruption.

8.- Have you forgotten the damage suffered by Odebrecht and his Peruvian consortium in recent years? We have crossed more than 50 billion soles, which cost us thousands of schools or hospitals to lose.

9.- If a member of the State or family is involved in corruption, let the authorities proceed immediately.

10.- Gentlemen, congressmen, it is time to find a coincidence.

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Responding to Castillo's speech in the Peruvian parliament

After President Pedro Castillo delivered a message to the country in the Congress of the Republic, some members of the MLA did not speak to me Let's hesitate to talk to the President and criticize after that.

Given this, Alejandro Cavero, a member of the House of Representatives, asked President Pedro Castillo to translate his speech before the General Assembly into events such as the change of ministers and real policies.

“By words, we have to move on from action. How can employees talk about fighting corruption with those who ultimately decide policies and who lead public policy in ministries that are not changed, raising terrible questions in the cabinet?” He said.

“In his speech, he acknowledged that the country, including the central government, was in crisis, and he himself acknowledged his incompetence and asked him to help him carry out structural and practical reforms in a timely manner. We hope we can agree, but let's learn about the facts and translate the speech into facts, ministers change and real politics. ” He said.

MLA Katie Ugarte (Free Peru) rejected that Castillo Therons would dissolve the parliament. “(What is the surprise of the message?) On the contrary, when we met the President yesterday, we have never seen anything about closing down Congress. The President is a person who speaks and listens (...) He said in an interview with Axitosa that he cannot give a surprise that would destabilize the government, but there is no such thing. ”

George Montoya did not hesitate to call the head of state a “liar”.

“It was a mistake of Congress to receive President Castillo [...] The president is a liar and first says that he knows a person, and then says that no, and the lie was filmed.

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