Pedro Castillo of Congress: “We will send a series of reforms that will allow us to overcome this structural crisis”

The President announced in his speech that these bills will be developed by the subjects who make up the national agreement.


President Pedro Castillo delivered a message that lasted more than an hour in front of the Congress of the Republicthis afternoon. another, he said that the administration would send a number of reforms to the legislative body to overcome the current crisis in the country.

Similarly, the President announced that he convenes a national agreement as an example to reach an agreement between institutions. Castillo Terrones, as its citizens are experiencing a constant political crisis. “We can not be indifferent to this,” he explained.

“ As President of the Republic, I stretch out to build bridges, promote dialogue and work on the national agenda,” the head of state said .

“ We are responsible for carrying out major reforms in the country. We cannot continue to be indifferent to this, because it is the average population that is experiencing consequences. As President of the Republic, I undertake to lead this process. That is why in the near future we will send to Congress a number of reforms that will allow us to overcome this structural crisis.” He told about it at plenary session.

In this regard, he noted that such initiatives will be developed with the participation of authorities, autonomous constitutional bodies and citizens.

“ Reforms that will be carried out with the participation of state power, constitutional self-government bodies and citizens. In this regard, it is possible to achieve the necessary agreement by announcing the convening of a national agreement, which is a representative and multiple subject.” He said.

“ I urge Peruvian women to unite the strongest and widest, and let them have faith and confidence in the future of the nation.”

Before the president delivered a speech, it was less likely to announce a bill that would promote elections in the event of a presidential vacancy; therefore, no longer take on the duties of vice president Dinavoluarte It isn't going.

It was journalist Christopher Acosta who revealed this opportunity, which was classified as a bomb that surprised legislators in social networks.

“ Achievements of elections when vacant: that is, the bill that the President will present today in Congress, through which the administration seeks to amend Article 115 of the Constitution, which regulates the sequence of powers.”

However, at the end of the presidential message, Acosta found on Twitter that the president had saved the bill to advance elections later and was probably part of the political reform that was announced.

What does Article 115 of the Constitution say?

Article 115 of the Constitution provides for the following: “In connection with the temporary or permanent disability of the President of the Republic, the First Vice-President assumes his duties; therefore, in fact, the second vice-president; because of the disability of two persons, he is the chairman of the parliament; if the disability is permanent the Chairman of the Parliament immediately calls for elections.”

Headed Pataz

Afterspeech before Congress Pedro Castillo said he would arrive in Pataz, located in the area ofLa Libertad . After the collapse, 12 people were missing, several were trapped, and about 40 houses are buried. Hill.

“After Congress delivered a message to the Peruvian people, we will go to Pataz province to check the locality affected by the accident that occurred this morning. The people's government will visit when citizens need it most.” He commented on his Twitter account.

