Pedro Castillo in Congress: This is how the opposition reacted after the president's message

While there were criticisms, they also acknowledged that the president sought to build bridges and made a meaculpa for the errors of his management.


After the speech of the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, in Congress, there were several reactions of the opposition and government congressmen. Although there were criticisms, they agreed that it was not a confrontational speech against parliament and welcomed the fact that the president approached the opposition benches at the end of his speech.

Norma Yarrow, from Popular Renewal, considered that Castillo's speech was aimed at preventing congressmen from voting in favor of a presidential vacancy.

I think we all had another expectation. He has made a mea culpa that he has made some mistakes, but nothing has been seen of the change of ministers. (...) It has not made a mea culpa regarding relatives who are linked in disputed cases. It was a long speech, paporretero, not by a president,” he told the Congress channel.

Meanwhile, the People's Force MP Martha Moyano criticized the president's reference to issues related to the presidential vacancy motion.

For us it was as if it were a message from 28 July. (...) Let's see what the statesmen say, because the man has given figures and we are going to review them if they really (it's true). (It is) incorrect that it deals with the subject of your accusations: vacancy and unconstitutional accusation. He cannot advance, but in any case he will have to come on March 28,” he said.


On the other hand, for the legislator Susel Paredes she took it with good spirits that the president had made a mea culpa of “his mistakes and mistakes”.

I have no memory of a president who has ever said 'I have made mistakes and wrongs'. I think that is positive because there is self-criticism for the first time (...) Today what I greet is the president's self-criticism (...) Only with self-criticism does one build real bridges. Because with pride they don't build bridges,” he said.

Congressman Jorge Montoya said that the president's speech sought to “lower the temperature” of the vacancy motion that his party, Popular Renewal, is promoting and which will be debated and voted on on March 28.

Trying to lower the tension of vacancy is trying to clean up situations in which you may be engaged in that issue. If this had happened after (the vacancy motion), it would have been great. Here he interrupts a process,” he said outside Congress, although he acknowledged that the message was about building bridges, what he has done and what he is going to do. “That's good, overall,” he added.


On the other hand, the chairman of the Council of Minister, Aníbal Torres, confirmed that it was in the Executive's plans to present a bill to propose an advance of elections in the event of a vacancy in Congress.

Torres said, at the front of the Government Palace, that President Castillo decided, at the last moment, not to propose advance of the general elections that was included in his message since the president wanted to seek “consultation” with the Parliament.