Oscineergmin: Fuel will rise by more than 14% this week

Fuel prices have already risen since March 11. Diesel for cars is now up to 14.57% more expensive.



Peruvians have been concerned about fuel prices for months, and the situation has worsened due to the international situation. However, these are far from going down. According to the latest report published by OshineGmin, this week on March 14 It is expected that fuel prices will rise by more than 14%.

The published reference price shows that diesel for vehicles (diesel B5 0-2500 ppm) will increase S/ 1.78 (14.57%) from last time, reaching S/14.34 per gallon. 97 gasoline holes will go from S/11.42 to S/12.55. A gasohole of 95 will reach S/12,37 and a gasohole of 90 will reach S/12,09. On the other hand, gasoline at 84 will stand at S/11.55, which will increase S/1.00 more than last week. In addition, LPG will rise S/ 0.17 and reach S/3.62 per kilo.

The rise is expected to be reflected in the wholesale prices that Petroperu and Repsol will release next Thursday, March 17. Then it will be transferred to the tab.

Both diesel for transportation and LPG in bottles (10 kiloballs) are in the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund, so there is no significant difference in price. These funds absorb upward fluctuations to prevent them from reaching the final consumer.

|: opine

Solutions for the Rise

On March 12 , the President of the Council of Ministers Anibal Torres stated that the administration is assessing changes in the excise tax option tax (ISC) applied to fuel.Currently, fuel is subject to ISC, rolling tax and general sales tax (IGV) ) is taxed by.

“We are working with the Ministry of Economy (Ministry of Education) to study selective consumption tax. A series of measures that allow us to mitigate this reality that we have not caused but are the result of external factors,” he said in an interview with TV Peru.

However, Gustavo Navarro, former Hydrocarbon Secretary-General, said that what the country is doing in the face of this recent increase is to charge more for the concept of fuel tax.Therefore, he argued that rebalancing CSI will not affect the tax fund.

“Since this tax is a percentage of the base price, the state is charging more money. There is no reason to charge more gasoline in an emergency such as the current one, so it is necessary to calculate the amount that was taxed a few months ago and adjust it to continue being charged without affecting the tax fund. According to the newspaper La Repubblica, said.

This will be a quick action because only the highest statute must be made in order for it to take effect the next day. In addition, the impact on the price will be immediate.

International Cojuntura as a causal relationship

The company noted that the incident caused a “sharp rise in prices internationally” and “makes the purchase of crude oil, inputs and finished products more expensive, and increases the sustainability of supply for countries in emergency situations.”

Petroperú's press release explained the rise in prices for different types of fuel.

As a result of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, there is a global crisis in the supply of crude oil and derivatives, which explains the sharp rise in prices internationally. This situation makes the purchase of crude oil, inputs and finished products more expensive and increases the sustainability of the supply of countries in emergency situations.” The company says.

“Due to the current situation, the price of fuel (gasoline, diesel, waste, etc.) has risen as of today. With regard to LPG and diesel bottled for vehicles, the current list price remains the same, given that it is within the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund.”

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