Chapultepec Castle (Chapultepec Castle) is one of the most historical architectural monuments in our country and the only royal castle on the continent.Second Emperor of Mexico: Maximilian of the Habsburg and Charlotte, the wife of Belgium.
Napoleon III and Eugenia de Montijo sent a series of objects to the couple to transform their imperial castles.And although some of these objects are now in the National Museum of History, you can still see the traces of the emperors of Chapultepec, who had more than 75,000 historical objects.
After Juarez was victorious, he was given instructions to sell all the goods belonging to the Grand Duke to get money. The order was set on July 15, 1867. What was not sold was used by the Republican government.
Today, Carlota's room was seen in gold and blue, and was decorated with tapestries, carpets, tableware, and European ornaments. Maximilian ordered the dismantling of the palace when he left Mexico City in anticipation of the end of government in late 1866. A long history of loss and reunion began. The French fire-style bedroom shown here was acquired by President Manuel Gonzalez, who believed it belonged to Carlotta. Maximilian's brass bed and other objects were part of the furniture that was abandoned in the castle after his death.
Likewise, you can see a bathroom composed of a marble bath created specifically for Charlotte by Atilio Tangassi, which at the time cost 200 pesos. In the tea room, you can see 19th-century French chairs and armchairs, sculptures of animal animals, nymphs and satyrs, 19th century French chairs and armchairs, a display cabinet in the style of Louis XV created by the famous French cabinetmaker François Linke. The tapestries that adorn some of Alcázar's rooms are replicas made of original carvings and show the crowned eagle and the slogan “Equity in Justice”.
In the music room there is a hazelnut wood room in the style of Louis XV, presented by Napoleon III to Maximilian, and scenes from fables written by Jean de la Fontaine are recreated in Aubusson's goblin tapestries. The piano in English and French in yellow by the Collard & Collard brand has a monogram on the sides and cover. MIM was a gift from Napoleon on the 33rd birthday of the emperor.
In the reading room you will find an alabaster vase, a bust of Jean de la Fontaine, and two French sculptures of the 19th century, in which the coat of arms of the Maximilian Empire is relieved. This room is a reproduction of the reading cabinet that the emperor could have had.
There are also daily carriages of Maximilian and Carlotta, but there is also the emperor's gala carriage, which was later used by President Juarez and presented to Maximilian by the citizens of Lombardy-Venice. The interior of the carriage is decorated with silk and velvet and was only used twice, according to the records of the National Museum of History.
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