Lady Noriega drops out of Master Chef Celebrity by Coffee Oso Buko

The winner of the Mystery Box Challenge was Manuela González, who was worthy of the Immune Pin.


Viewers of 'Masterchef Celebrities' already knew that the elimination challenge included Colombian coffee as the main ingredient, and while some were lucky enough to be able to make a sweet preparation with this element, others dared to make salt preparations.

This was the case of Lady Noriega, who was inspired by her husband and wanted to surprise the jury with a pork osobuko with coffee, but the cut was a trick on him.

The dishes in protein did not correspond to ossobuco, so the model and actress surprised all the participants because the departure was not expected because they were left out of the competition. However, the popular maxim proclaims 'the show must continue', and that was what celebrities who were in danger did.

For a new challenge rewarded with immune pins, celebrities had to open a 'mystery box', and during the talk, Chris Carpentier revealed the dishes that had to be prepared. Many people were surprised when they saw it. It was described as Kulibiak salmon or “Russian salmon pie.” For the challenge, participants took 60 minutes, some had no problems, but others experienced some difficulties.

Manuela Gomez and Christina Campuzano had problems hardening the eggs that had to go inside the pie, and Nicolás de Zubiría advised him about the process of cooking better.Jorge Raush passed the post of Estiwar G and pressed him with some questions about his cooking, but asked questions about the puff pastry cover that the chef should ask him, but the influencer was not carried away by blackmail.

Finally, a 60-minute challenge took place, and the chefs gave him the opportunity to pass only five participants to the front, and Corozo was the first participant.


The bard originally named his dish 'La piratiada' because it imitated Russian pies. The first person to give feedback was Carpentier. Carpentier said that the edges were raw because of the thickness, and Rausch questioned the lack of rice in the preparation process.

Manuela received more applause from critics for 'Pedrusky', a dish inspired by children who love salmon.

“It's a stately thing!” The Bogotano chef was approved and stressed that the bottom of the preparation was at the exact time of cooking. Another person who was praised was 'Estiwar G', who by chance confessed that 'G' was his surname Gamboa and dedicated the dish to his son.

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True to his artistic life, Ramiro Meneses added lavender to the pie by preparing 'Somewhere in St. Petersburg'. Nicolás congratulated him on the brightness of the puff pastry, and Jorge Rausch also filled him with good comments.

'Chicho' Arias also received a similar verdict, which showed that the decision that the jury had to make was not easy. However, after analyzing the performance of the five people who came to the fore for a few seconds, declared Manuela as the winner and Claudia Bahamón added that the immunofin in the apron was that she was “a great leader”.

Now the team challenge is waiting for celebrities. Manuela will be the determining factor for the continuity of one of the team members.

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