Javier Lozano against AMLO for the murder of Armando Linares: “He is angry that the European Parliament demands him”

The former Secretary of Labor and Social Security (STPS) lamented through his Twitter account that another journalist loses his life for doing his job and reproached the president for ensuring that murders against journalists are “a lower percentage” compared to homicides in the country


Javier Lozano Alarcón, a controversial member of the National Action Party (PAN), lashed out against President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) for the murder of journalist Armando Linares López in Michoacan.

On Tuesday afternoon, local media reported on the murder of the communicator and director of the communication portal Monitor Michoacano by armed men who entered his home and shot him at close range.

“#FiscaliaMich goes to the Carabanchel neighborhood, in Zitácuaro, to carry out actions related to the murder of journalist Armando Linares López, which occurred this afternoon in a private home; he suffers from gunshot wounds,” wrote the Michoacán State Attorney General's Office (FGE) shortly after.

Linares had already denounced threats against him and other collaborators after the murder of Roberto Toledo, a collaborator of the same media outlet, who was deprived of his life on last January 31, when he arrived at his place of work.

Local media reported on the murder of the journalist and director of the communication portal Monitor Michoacano (Photo: Twitter/ @maiteazuela)

Given this, the former Secretary of Labour and Social Security (STPS) lamented through his Twitter account that another journalist loses his life for doing his job, and criticized the federal president for being angry and ignoring when the European Parliament warned him about the increase in violence against journalists and human rights activists in Mexico.

In another publication, Lozano Alarcón sent his condolences to the relatives of Armando Linares, while reproaching President López Obrador for claiming that murders against journalists are a “lower percentage” compared to homicides in the country.

The Prosecutor's Office reported that the murder took place in the victim's home (Photo: Twitter/ @FiscaliaMich)

Like Javier Lozano, politicians and Internet users lamented the violence that exists in Mexico against journalists; such was the case of Xóchitl Gálvez, who questioned the federal president on his social network about how many murdered journalists he needs to pay attention to the problem.

“Armando Linares is, unfortunately, one more murdered journalist in our country. How many more for the President to acknowledge that the (European) Parliament is telling the truth and his concern is legitimate? #PeriodismoEnRiesgo #NoSeMataLaVerdad”

Meanwhile, Senator Lilly Tellez shared: “Rest in Peace is the journalist Armando Linares López, who was murdered today in Michoacán. May your family and friends receive my condolences.”

Lilly Tellez sent condolences to the journalist's family and friends (Photo: PAN)

Journalist Adrián López indicated that if tomorrow at his morning press conference the chief executive goes out to blame conservatives and neoliberals for the murder of Armando Linares, he and his narrative win, nevertheless, “we all lose: society and journalists. But if it comes out, empathizes and recognizes the size of the crisis that Mexico is experiencing, we all win,” he added.

Berenice Juárez Navarrete, coordinator of the federal deputies of Acción Nacional for Michoacán, condemned the lack of a security strategy, stating that violence against journalists has increased in the Morena government.

“My solidarity with their families and the journalistic union,” he added.

“Today, journalist Armando Linares was murdered in Zitácuaro, Michoacán. He is the eighth communicator executed in Mexico this year. Will President López Obrador still deny the obvious and send letters to the European Parliament?” , attacked a group of independent journalists called Los Editores.

