Image circulating on networks of Francia Márquez wearing an ELN scarf is false

The second best vote in the Historical Pact and pre-candidate for the presidency was denied by the Colombia Check portal




An image of Francia Márquez, who was the pre-candidate for the presidency by the Historical Pact, is circulating on social networks and different WhatsApp networks, in which she apparently is wearing an ELN scarf covering half of her face, is false, as is known by the verification portal Colombia Check in her Instagram.

“Here you have Francia Márquez, she's not as harmless as some people think”, is the text that accompanies the image of Francia Márquez and a guerrilla girl in another photograph next to her.

For the portal Colombia Check, which is dedicated to verifying information and denying this type of false content, when looking at the images, the differences are clearly noticeable because Marquez's skin is black and her hair is frizzy, while that of the woman is smooth-haired and her face frames the indigenous traces.

“We did a reverse search of the image of the guerrilla and found the full photo in several press articles. Some of them claim that she is alias Sonia, captured in 2015 in the southwest of the country, and in others she identifies herself as alias Xiomara, a member of the ELN detained in Cucuta in 2017, ″ the Colombia Check portal wrote on her Instagram account.

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According to the research portal on content such as 'Fake News', the publication of alias Sonia or alias Xiomara, was published by Semana Magazine on April 9, 2015 and credited by the Police Gaula, who captured Ana Milena García Leyton.

“We also found a video of the capture of alias Sonia in another media outlet, published on April 9, 2015. The recording of the detention shows that it is not the same as the image,” Colombia Check added in its official statement.

The Colombia Check portal shared on its Instagram account part of the investigation it carried out to deny the false news that pointed to Francia Márquez of belonging to the ELN guerrilla. Taken from Instagram @colombiacheck

However, although it was reported in different media that she would be alias Sonia or alias Xiomara, it does not correspond to the real identity of the guerrilla, but rather that it is a context image given to the journalists so that they could contextualize the informative content, this was revealed by one of the members of the elite group of the Gaula de la Polidad who did not want to reveal their identity for safety.

“Before she is a victim of armed groups. In the area of La Toma delinquía were the FARC, not the ELN, and the paramilitaries. Now there are dissidents,” added the member of the Police Gaula for Colombia Check, denying that it was Francia Márquez.

They also clarify that the image of the guerrilla girl with her face covered with a bandana of the armed group is also used on the ELN website to refer to publications in which women participate.

“In short, we qualify the publication circulating on networks as false because Márquez does not appear in an image as an ELN guerrilla fighter,” Colombia Check concluded in its official publication.

On the Instagram account of the research portal, the publication has received numerous reactions such as more than 1,000 'likes' from users and some comments, among which several thanks stand out for contributing to non-disinformation on social networks.


