Delfina Gómez quoted by the Chamber of Commerce as a full-time school disappearance throughout Mexico.

Luis Espinosa Chazzaro, Deputy Director of PRD, explained that the meeting will be held on March 22 and the secretary will question the fate of 3.6 million children and young people who have benefited from this program.

bEffective February 28, the bDepartment of Public Education (SEP) approved the removal of the full-time a href=""curriculum (PETC) at the federal level. The Chamber of Commerce agreed to summon Minister Delfina Gomez Alvarez to San Lazare.

At a press conference, Luis Espinosa Chazzaro, coordinator of the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD), said that the Minister of Education's proposal to explain the disappearance of the program was submitted at his seat and approved by Morena and all politicians. party.

Peredit explained that the meeting will be held on March 22 on a seat to be installed in the House of Representatives, and the secretary will question the fate of 3.6 million children and young people who have benefited from the program.

“We will ask ourselves questions and ask ourselves why programs under development that include qualified standards, transparency and results disappear. They say they don't know where to allocate resources from the 2022 budget. This means we learned at Texcoco, so Secretary Delfina Gomez is one of the best when it comes to resource management. I know you don't get a reputation. Espinosa Chagaro said.

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The Working Group will be created in the House Chamber on March 22 (Photo: Twitter/Ruichajaro 11)

After the 2007-2008 school year, a full-time school was established to “extend school hours to contribute to improving learning opportunities for primary school students”, he said.

Finally, Espinosa Chazzaro stated that the meeting “will be necessary to determine the future of the country, as well as affected families.” If this plan is not resumed, we can expect an increase in school dropout, a decrease in performance and an increase in social instability that harms organized and illegal crimes.”

أوضح خورخي روميرو ازعيم حزب العمل الوطني ( bPAN)في غرفة مجلس النواب ن المدارس بدوام كامل مغلقة. وهو يزثر على حوالي 30、000bمدرسة وحوالي 4 ملايين طالب.

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go through Mexico stated that the meeting “will be necessary to determine the future of the country, not just affected families” (Photo: Twitter)

“More than half of them live in marginalized areas,” Romero said. First of all, this government was poor and suffered the most affected. We're talking about 4 million miners.

Finally, Robin Moreira, the seats coordinator of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and chairman of the Political Coordination Committee of San Lazaro (Jucopo), regretted that SEP cancelled this program as a “one-sided” decision.

“They say it's a political issue. Since it is the same population of more countries, such as Sonora or Sinaloa, it is possible to measure the ongoing damage, but the damage caused by the program is also increasing and affects the rest of the teachers: parents, girls and boys.

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