Cristina Kirchner convened a meeting in the Senate to discuss an agreement with the IMF.

The Vice President signed a decree calling for a parliamentary discussion this Thursday at 14. Frente de Todos needs the support of Together for Change to turn the bill into law.

Vice President Cristina Kirchner convened a special meeting in the Senate on Thursday to discuss an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is already under sanctions from half of the deputies. In the midst of internal government, Frente de Todos passed a law that authorizes the government to close negotiations with multilateral credit institutions for refinancing debt of more than $44 billion that occurred during the administration of Mauricio Macri In order to do this, we need the support of Together for Change.

Through Legislative Decree 17/22, the head of the Senate convened a special meeting this March 17, 14. Yesterday, the Budget Finance Committee signed an opinion in favor of a bill approved by the deputies. It is the early time of Friday.

However, the comments are not valid for 7 days according to the Senate procedural rules. Therefore, in order to hold a meeting, it is necessary to gather a positive vote of two-thirds of the members of the district to make the congressional meeting possible “at the table”.

In this context, the ruling party needs the cooperation of the Together for Change Interblock, and its members will meet today to define whether the senators needed by All Front have reached two-thirds and will be able to meet tomorrow. The opposition meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday at 11.30 in the Alfredo Cornejo office. To conduct discussions in the premises, 48 of the 72 legislators must sit and vote on their opinions. Without the support of the opposition, the ruling party does not reach that number.

José Mayans, the head of the fDT block, asked for a meeting to organize a session this Thursday morning when the meeting reached two-thirds. Like last week's delegates, the ruling party is expected to vote divided by the rejection (or abstention) of the difficult Kirchnerism. In 15 votes out of 35 votes, as Infobae points out, doubts persist.

At the meeting of the committee, the ruling senator accompanied the ruling with the exception of Juliana Di Tullio and Ana María Ianni, the Renal Councilor of Cristina Kirchner.

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After the sanctions of half of the deputies last Friday, this Monday, the Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, defended an agreement with the IMF in the Senate for five hours, where he admitted that the government did not have the money needed to meet the debt maturity with multilateral credit institutions next week, and the default would complicate the foreign exchange front and inflation, and withholding on grain exports through repeated consultations by the Senate.

“The first goal is to resolve the payment balance issue for 2022 and the next two years as a result of the 2018 Stand By agreement. Argentina has a record debt burden that is due this year, accumulating $19 billion and $20 billion by 2023. They are such an amount that the state is unlikely to cope with it.” The minister said.

Although half of the parliamentary proceedings have already been completed, the debate in the Senate will consist of a countdown that is getting closer and closer. March 21 and 22 are the expected dates on the payment schedule for the IMF, and the government must pay the agency a debt maturity of $27.86 million.

In the deputies, the vote was closed with 202 positive votes, 37 negative votes and 13 abstentions after more than 12 hours of session, and he highlighted the rejection of the legislators of Maximo Kirchner and La Campora. On Thursday, it is expected that there will be an “explicit” treatment in the Senate so that the government can conclude a stage of negotiations with the Fund.

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