Cargo transporters upset by Gustavo Petro's statements about blockades during the national strike

Colfecar spoke out and assured that these events had negative impacts on the sector, worse than those caused by the most critical moment of the pandemic.


Freight carriers in disagree with the statements given by Gustavo Petro, during a presidential debate, in which he pointed out that they were responsible for the blockades and effects that occurred on national roads during the 2021 national strike.

“On the contrary, the transport sector did not participate in or sponsor the national strike but was one of the most affected by the public order situation, for example, thousands of drivers between Cajamarca and Buga were trapped on this route for more than 30 days without being able to move and at the mercy of vandals who intimidated them daily, falling victim to terrorist acts and threats,” Colfecar said.

Likewise, the association highlighted that Valle del Cauca was one of the most affected regions of the country, but they also had great difficulties in Cauca, Nariño, Coffee Region, Cundinamarca and Santander.

The federation highlighted that at the national level there were more than 29 cases of vandalized tolls on behalf of those who blocked the roads; in addition, that they were exposed to illegal tolls to allow vehicles to pass through.

“In Colombia, 80% of the cargo vehicle fleet belongs to natural persons, in most cases the vehicle is the owner's sole asset and, therefore, represents his livelihood for himself and his family,” they said.

They also noted that according to the National Strike Losses Survey conducted with their affiliated companies, 50% say that goods were stolen, 70% that their vehicles were vandalized and 5% that their offices were damaged.

They stressed that “the blockades had negative impacts on the sector, worse than those caused by the most critical moment of the pandemic, since in April 2020, the load fell by 30% compared to the same month in 2019, this reduction is equivalent to 2.8 million tons of cargo requiring 84,310 tractomules for mobilization.”

According to Colfecar, the load was reduced by 12% in May compared to April 2020. Compared to May 2019, the reduction is 44%. Compared to May 2019, cargo decreased by 4.5 million tons, requiring 133,695 tractomules for transportation.

“It is estimated that transport entrepreneurs, in addition to having been bearing the impact of the pandemic, which meant a reduction in the mobilized cargo, assumed significant losses of the national unemployment estimated at 1.2 billion pesos due to lost profits, vandalized vehicles and offices, as well as looting and theft of goods”, Colfecar assured.

The freight forwarders sector is also aware that their activity is transversal to other productive sectors and that, being an essential public service, they have a social responsibility to continue operating, since any disruption generates trauma in the country.

It is noteworthy that other economic sectors were affected by the blockades, due to the fact that more than 14 million birds died and more than 600 thousand tons of food were lost.

“It's incredible that during the pandemic the transporters were the Heroes on the Roads, who never stopped to transport food, medicine and supply an entire country and today, it's the culprits who blocked the roads. Fortunately, there are thousands of videos that show reality!” , Colfecar said.

