Cannabis gummy in the shape of a bitten ear: a new product launched by Mike Tyson

The global heavyweight champion has been leading marijuana cultivation projects for a long time and is now about to revolutionize the market.




Mike Tyson continues to innovate in his role as an entrepreneur and announced this Tuesday the launch of a new product, Mike Bites.These are cannabis chewy gummies that have the shape of bitten ears, A clear nod to his remembered aggression against the ring. Evander Hollyfield. The former boxer has announced that he is selling those kinds of snacks that he hopes to raise millions of dollars.

The global heavyweight champion has long advocated for the legalization of cannabis and launched his own brand of marijuana products in October 2020. In addition, he has been a leader in the movement for several years leading cultivation projects in California and fighting for him. Decriminalization and legalization. Consumption, possession and sale of marijuana.

The product was inspired by the bite that Tyson gave to Evander Holyfield during the 1997 match, one of the most memorable and controversial episodes in the history of professional boxing.

One of the partners of former heavyweight champion Fred Frenchy posted a brief comment on social media about the launch of this cannabis snack. “I know we have to do this, son.” It is clear that both of them have been talking for a long time about using violent bites to make money on some kind of product. For the time being, Mike Bites is only available in California, but the plan is surely to expand over several states.


We will have to wait to see what Holly Field's reaction to this release, in which he planned revenge on Tyson in 2020, but confessed that he was able to restrain himself thanks to warnings before the historic 1997 fight. “A prophet told me: 'Mike is going to do something bad for you in this fight. But you have to keep focused on his mission, because that's the only way he can beat you, so if he distracts you, he can catch you.” 'He said in a conversation with the BBC.

I tried to bite him in the face, but when the prophet told me that this could happen, I warned my corner before the fight. 'If this man does something to me, remind him of what the prophet told me, '” this is how his collaborators calm him and prevent him when he arrives around the corner: the massacre of rings already stained with blood.

Holyfield charged $35 million for that fight, and was finally interrupted by a bite, and today he is remembered as the main figure of Mike Tyson. The rivalry between the two was the last time there was speculation about the third chapter on the ring, but there was no agreement between the parties.

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