Ángel Ydelfonso justifies dismissal of Daniel Soria: “Comptroller's Office pointed out that he did not have the trajectory”

The Minister of Justice was in Congress to respond to the interpellation against him, and he was consulted about the dismissal of the then Attorney General of the State.




This Wednesday, March 16, just after the questioning of the Minister of Health, Hernán Condori, the interpellation by the Minister of Justice (Minjus), Ángel Yldefonso. After his first presentation, where he answered the questions in the interpelatory statement, and the interventions of the congressmen; the minister was consulted by the dismissal of the former State Attorney General. In response, he mentioned a report by the Comptroller's Office.

The minister stressed that removing Daniel Soria Luján from office was not an arbitrary decision of his office. Thus, he mentioned that the Comptroller's Office issued a report, prepared by the Office of Internal Control (OIC) of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, which sought to evaluate the process of appointing the State Attorney General, Daniel Soria Luján.

“Let us not forget that the Comptroller's Office has issued a report in which the then Attorney General of the State, Daniel Soria (...) does not have a record in the legal defense of the State; something that the current prosecutor does,” she told the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic.

The minister stressed that this report is public knowledge.

It is recalled that Daniel Soria Luján, former State Attorney General, was removed from office on February 2 through a supreme resolution signed by the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, and the then Minister of Justice, Aníbal Torres. The measure came after the outcome of the report mentioned by Yldefonso was announced. However, this fact was full of controversy; since in the past the former president of the Council of Ministers, Mirtha Vasquez, had denied that Soria was being removed of the Attorney General's Office.

All this happened after Soria Luján sent a request to the Government Palace to provide a list of people who would have visited the house in Breña, where the president would have held secret meetings. Shortly thereafter, Soria noted that the request had not been fulfilled and reiterated the request.



The report issued by the Comptroller's Office, as it reads, sought to evaluate the process of appointing the then Attorney General of the State, Daniel Soria Luján. During the investigation and review of documents, it was determined that Soria included as his professional experience, to support his appointment, his position as Advisor I to the Deputy in Constitutional Matters in the Office of the Ombudsman.

However, the OIC established that this work “is not appropriate to the work of the legal defense of the State”, a requirement put forward by the regulations of the Office of the Attorney General of the State, which states that the Attorney General needs to have “experience in the legal defense of the State” specifically. In this way, they pointed out that it did not meet the requirements of work experience.

The Political Constitution of the State establishes that: “The defense of the interests of the State is the responsibility of the Public Prosecutors in accordance with the law. (...), therefore, the review of the documents that support his curriculum vitae, with respect to the work experience of Mr. Daniel Soria Luján, it has been determined that he has not worked in the judicial defense system of the state. Consequently, he had no track record in the legal defense of the State, a requirement necessary to hold the position of Attorney General of the State”, the document reads.

In conclusion, the report notes that indications of irregularity were found in the process of their appointment and recommended that the authorities concerned take action in this regard. In addition, working days were provided for the Minjus holder to communicate the action plan.


