A prominent Chavista minister mocked Ukrainian pregnant women evacuated after a Russian bombing: “They were saved to go modeling”

Tibisay Lucena, former president of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council and currently responsible for university education, spoke of the “demonization of the enemy” which, according to her, “was what happened to Putin”


The former president of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) and current Minister of University Education of the Caribbean country, Tibisay Lucena, mocked pregnant women who were evacuated after a Russian bombing of a maternal and child hospital in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol.

They were saved to go modeling for a famous brand,” the official said Tuesday, while arguing that it was “fake news”.

“There are many examples. Some showed up this weekend and they reminded me, I have to say, of the situations of the white helmets. True demons communications that were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and ended up winning an Oscar. That says a lot, doesn't it?” , he wondered.

And he continued: “I also saw videos of dead people smoking, pregnant women saving themselves from a bloody Russian bombing to go modeling for a famous brand. We saw all these things for the formation of this fake news.”

Then she spoke of the “demonization of the enemy” which, according to her, “was what happened to (Vladimir) Putin in the weeks before all this. It's coming, the wolf is coming... ”.

A pregnant woman and her baby died after Russia bombed the Mariupol maternity ward (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

His statements were given during a presentation at the inauguration of the International University of Communications, at the headquarters of the newspaper El Nacional, which was delivered to Diosdado Cabello, number two in Chavismo.

What Lucena said is in line with the explicit support of dictator Maduro for Putin. A few days ago, the chavista said: “In relation to the conflict in Ukraine, the main war in the world is economic, financial and commercial. The indiscriminate and illegal use of the dollar currency advantage of the financial system by the United States and Europe is to harm the countries of the world, to blackmail the world. Look what they're doing with Russia, it's a crime what they're doing against the Russian people, an economic war, they pulled them out of the Swift system, they shut down their airspace, they shut down all trade links, they shut them down and banned them from using the dollar.”

Mariana Vishegirskaya and her baby died after the Russian bombing (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

Maduro assured that Russia is a military, economic, commercial and technological “power”, but that Venezuela will “maintain all its trade, at all levels”, with the Eurasian nation.

Economic war is the main war that imperialism is waging against Russia to destroy Russia. The objective of the US empire and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was to surround it militarily and Russia has acted,” he added.

The dictator indicated that he spoke via telephone with Vladimir Putin, who assured him that the Caribbean country has “modestly resisted” the “same measures” announced by the United States and Europe, but that Venezuela is currently “standing, victorious, recovering, producing.”

