“What time on Friday?” : opposition reactions to Alberto Fernández's promise to start a war against inflation

The members of Juntos for Change, for the most part, crossed over to the President for his management in relation to the price increase, on the day that INDEC announced 4.7% in February

Opposition leaders questioned President Alberto Fernández on Tuesday for his statements on the “war on inflation” which, he announced, will begin next Friday, when the government expects Congress to finish approving the agreement with the IMF. The president anticipated the publication of the price index - which INDEC reported 4.7% for the month of February - so from Juntos for Change they pointed out against the lack of has been fighting since the beginning of management.

“I hope that this week we can begin to put an end to the debt issue, and I promise that on Friday another war will begin, the war against inflation in Argentina; we will end the speculators and we will put things in order,” Fernández announced at an event in the Buenos Aires town of Malvinas Argentinas, where he was accompanied by Governor Axel Kicillof, among other leaders of the All Front.

The national deputy of Juntos for Change Maria Eugenia Vidal ironized the President's announcement by expressing doubts about the specific time at which the “war” will begin. In addition, he denounced him for “sleeping two years” in his administration and added: “Our salary reaches for less and less. And don't lie to us: wages aren't beating inflation.”

“Why do we have to believe that inflation can be lowered? There are dozens of countries in the world that, in similar contexts, managed to eradicate inflation with macroeconomic stabilization programs and expectations based on trust and sustainability,” added the former governor of Buenos Aires.

Part of the tweet thread that María Eugenia Vidal shared about inflation

Diego Santilli also joined the PRO: “Let's clarify on Friday of which month and year you plan to start fighting inflation, President. You can tell that until now it hasn't seemed like a priority.”

“Prices increased 4.7% in February and 52.3% in twelve months. While the Government says that 'inflation is a complex issue', in the same period Bolivia had 0.7%, Peru 6%, Uruguay and Paraguay 9%. The Venezuelan recipe leads us to have increasingly skinny pockets,” said Patricia Bullrich, president of the space.

Tweet by Diego Santilli criticizes Alberto Fernández for inflation

For the Civic Coalition, party president Maximiliano Ferraro clarified that “it is not about starting a war, but about having a serious and predictable plan in the short, medium and long term to solve the problem of inflation that hurts the poorest and the fiscal deficit that prevents us from growing. A plan that doesn't punish those who want to invest.”

“The President's phrase is unhappy and untimely at this time when the whole world is suffering the consequences of a bloody and cruel invasion of Ukraine by Russia. It is not about unleashing a war, but about having a serious and predictable plan in the short, medium and long term to solve the problem of inflation that hurts the poorest, and the fiscal deficit that prevents us from growing. A plan that stops punishing those who want to invest and sustain and generate employment,” he added.

Tweet by Maximiliano Ferraro, President of the Civic Coalition

“Next Friday? Two years ago, the Government should have dealt with the main problem facing our economy. Since he took office, there was more than 100% inflation. Please stop promising and start working seriously on the problems of our country,” added Florencio Randazzo.

Florencio Randazzo's tweet against Alberto Fernández's statements on inflation

In liberalism, they also opted for irony. Ricardo López Murphy asked on social media: “What time is Alberto Fernández on Friday? We had understood that he had been ruling since 2019. Unusual”. In this regard, Javier Milei asked the President that “this is not a new attempt based on violating the right to property and restricting the freedom of individuals through coercion. Failing that, it will fail.”

“It would be good then if your FDT block in Deputies pushes the draft repeal of the Supply Law that we have just presented with Carolina Píparo, that the BCRA stops issuing for the Treasury and building trust (more demand for money),” added José Luis Espert.

Tweet by the Buenos Aires legislator on the left Gabriel Solano

“They promise you a war against inflation, but: 1. increase gasoline by 11.5%; 2. they agree on a tariff of approx. 50%; 3. they commit to accelerating devaluation, which impacts prices; 4. tax with real estate revaluation,” said the Buenos Aires legislator on the left Gabriel Solano and joked: “The Wednesday and Thursday do you take a vacation?” .