What is the best sign of the zodiac in love and most romantic horoscope

In love, this is the zodiac sign that has become “the last romantic” and is not measured when opening his heart, although he is often mistaken.


Thanks to horoscope and astrology we can learn aspects of our life that have been kept hidden for a long time. The date of birth of each of us becomes the key to the secrets of the personality that each one carries. We can know the predictions that are made for each sign of the zodiac or look in detail at the astral chart.

Of the twelve signs of the zodiac, there are some that stand out for their great load of love and romance. Although they have this power, they are also the most vulnerable to suffering from a broken heart because they cannot fully control their emotions.


Each one possesses different qualities, but if we talk about a top 3, it is inevitable not to mention Scorpio. Everyone who is under this zodiac sign is passionate and pushes their emotions to the limits, this is one of the reasons why they are known as “the best lovers” of the horoscope. Although they carry a flag of being faithful, when they hurt or fail them, they are the most vengeful beings. They are one of those people you know and mark your life.

Another sign that stands out is Virgo, which although very possessive, when complemented by another sign with whom it is compatible, they are an indestructible pair. They are affectionate, romantic when they are in the mood and protective, although the latter take it very seriously, taking the bad out of them and turning them into a “father of the family”, but not a couple. They fear that they will hurt them, but if the opportunity presents themselves, they will not hesitate to experience something new.

Attention, it's time to introduce the most romantic zodiac sign in the horoscope. It's about Cancer. The most unstable with his emotions, but with a big heart, and is not measured when showing himself to others. They are one of those people who still write letters by hand, dedicate songs and make gifts by hand. They live eroticism in their own way, they fantasize a lot and say “I love you” or “I love you” very quickly because they feel it. They believe in love at first sight. Although they are transparent, this leaves them without a shield, so they usually damage them more often than they would like.

The 3 most romantic signs of the zodiac. What are they and who are they compatible with?

Pisces and Taurus also have a special place in this count. In reality, everyone has a load of romantics, but they don't usually show it as they should.


They are divided into four groups, and these are:

- Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

- Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

- Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

- Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces


- Aries is the compatible sign in love with Aquarius and Gemini.

- Taurus is the compatible sign in love with Pisces and Cancer.

- Gemini is the compatible sign in love with Leo and Aries.

- Cancer is the compatible sign in love with Taurus and Virgo.

- Leo is the compatible sign in love with Aries and Sagittarius.

- Virgo is the compatible sign in love with Cancer and Scorpio.

- Libra is the compatible sign in love with Sagittarius and Leo.

- Scorpio is the compatible sign in love with Capricorn and Virgo.

- Sagittarius is the compatible sign in love with Libra and Aquarius.

- Capricorn is the compatible sign in love with Scorpio and Pisces.

- Aquarius is the compatible sign in love with Aries and Sagittarius.

- Pisces is the compatible sign in love with Taurus and Capricorn.