Tonala registers tremor of magnitude 4.0

Due to its geographical location, Mexico is continually exposed to such seismic events




Tonalá was the epicenter of a magnitude 4.0 earthquake that surprised the inhabitants of the state of Chiapas today at 1:53am local time (7:53 UTC).

The earthquake happened 91 km southwest of the city and had a depth of 26 kilometers, according to preliminary information.

No details are yet available about material damage or casualties in the state of Chiapas as a result of this telluric movement, due to the recent episode.

In the face of significant seismic activity, the National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) calls for not falling into rumors or false news and only to report to official sources, such as the Civil Protection authorities, both local and state, as well as federal.

After a tremor, check your home for possible damage, use your phone only in case of emergency, do not wear matches or candles until you make sure there is no gas leak and remember that aftershocks of the earthquake may occur, so it is important to be alert.

You can also take the following steps before an earthquake: prepare a civil protection plan, participate in evacuation drills, find safety zones at home, school or workplace, and prepare an emergency backpack.

During an earthquake, stay calm and stay in a safe zone, stay away from objects that may fall; if you are in a vehicle, park and stay away from buildings, trees and poles; and if you are located on the coast, stay away from the beach and take refuge in high areas.

(Illustration: Jovani Perez/Infobae)

Earthquakes in Mexico

Mexico stands out as one of the countries with the most seismic activity. Popular memory recalls above all the events of 1985 and 2017, tremors that caused devastation in its territory. Despite being the most remembered, they were not the largest since modern times.

The strongest earthquake recorded in the history of what is now Mexico occurred on March 28, 1787, at the time of the Spanish colony. Its epicenter was in Oaxaca and it had a magnitude of 8.6. Not only did this make the earth vibrate incredibly, but it even caused a tsunami that reached 6 kilometers inland.

According to the data of the Centre for Instrumentation and Seismic Recording (Cires), carried out in 2009 on the earthquake cited, there is the possibility of a repetition of events above this magnitude. It is estimated that they may occur in the years to come. Its epicenter is calculated on the coasts of Mexico and Central America, since these are located in the so-called Guerrero Breach. This area is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of geological energy.

Earthquakes like this day bring to the memory of Mexicans the worst memories of the earthquakes of 1985 and 2017, when all of Mexico City and other states were paralyzed by the shocking consequences that each one left.

On September 19, 1985 occurred at 7:19 local time (13:19 UTC) with a magnitude of 8.2 and with an epicenter in the state of Guerrero. Since that earthquake many thought that something like this would not happen again. But it happened again exactly 32 years later.

In 2017, it happened at 13:14 local time (18:30 UTC), with epicenter in an area between the states of Puebla and Morelos. Then, the death toll reached 369.