Thieves left the church of Curití, Santander without bells

Believers ask scrap buyers not to receive these items because they are “sacred”; the parish priest spoke


The crime that exists throughout the country even left the parishioners of the village El Uvo de Curití, in the department of Santander, without bells, even without bells, who ask the authorities to search for them in order to consume the masses normally.

According to what some inhabitants of the sector reported through a video broadcast on social networks and regional media, the criminals who stole the bells reportedly sold them in junkyards, so they ask the police to go to those establishments to find them.

“This is our chapel in the El Uvo sector, it is a very nice chapel, and it brings together a lot of people, but I make this little video, because and also a sense called, because it turns out that they took the bells from the church that we had here very nice, they took them, so that the junkmen or people collaborate with us those who sell them to them, tell them to have mercy, and hand them over to us,” said one of the witnesses in the pronouncement.

According to the affected citizens, it is not explained how they managed to detach the elements of the bell tower, given that they weigh more than a ton and that is why they urged the owners of the junkyards not to receive them if they sell them.

For his part, Moisés Carreño, priest of the El Uvo parish, said that in the company of the police they have already begun work to find the whereabouts of the bells and thus allow the religious to resume services.

In addition, according to the priest, if they fail to get the bells, the inhabitants of that village assured that they will collect funds and buy new items that allow believers to be summoned to the Eucharists.

For his part, another of the inhabitants of that village sent a heartfelt message to the thieves and those who were involved in this criminal act.

“It is clear that these bells weigh 20 kilos around, but the suitcase they took weighs a ton, so we ask them to have mercy, because they are things from the church, things from a community that we struggle to get them, because we did until we collected, and we are asking them to return it to us, if they sold them to them , because we buy them, but let them return it to us,” he said.

For now, the authorities have not commented on this matter.

In Santander, the Official Volunteer Fire Department of Floridablanca warned about the official start of the rainy season for 2022 in this region. On the first day both Bucaramanga and the metropolitan area, floods were recorded that killed several municipalities to the high level of rivers and the overflow of some of these, added to this, several citizens reported floods that ended up directly affecting their homes, as the water came to cover several centimeters of them; mainly in the municipality of Girón, Malaga and San Gil.

The road between Bucaramanga and San Gil presents a single lane passage at this time, as the rainfall the previous night caused a great fall of trees and rocks on this national highway, in the vicinity of the Curos sector the authorities reported the total closure of the road in the evening hours, however, after this it arrived machinery, the Traffic Police and firefighters of the municipality of Piedecuesta, after the arduous operations carried out were able to enable the passage to a single lane in this area of the province of García Rovira.