The winners of the interparty consultations have until Friday to define their vice-presidential formula

The dates announced by the registry office will force to define the names that Colombians want to know




After the inter-party consultations of the three coalitions that sought to define their presidential candidate have been held, limits are already emerging from the registry office for each of the pending candidates for the presidency to announce the vice-presidential formula that will accompany them for the first round, from the institution they set the limit for candidates until next Friday, 18 March, and the official announcement by the registry office will be made on Sunday 20 March.

Although the presidential elections are still two months away, each of the candidates for the presidency adjusts their lines to an eventual government. Interparty consultations have generated major movements in the past three days; as some candidates have given up their presidential aspiration and rumors are beginning to emerge about those politicians who could hold the office of the vice-presidency.

Within the right-wing coalition, the Team for Colombia managed to score a large number of votes, these figures were led by Federico Gutiérrez, former mayor of Medellín and strong winner of the consultation. Among this group, important candidates such as Alex Char and David Barguil predominate, but so far only surveys are carried out to try to define the formula as soon as possible.

At the moment it is clear that in this coalition they agreed from the beginning, that whoever will win could exercise the decision to choose the formula, which could be from the same consultation or an external candidate, considering that what they seek is to join forces from the different right lines, to try to arrive with big load the first round. Among the important figures who have sought to join Gutiérrez's team, Oscar Iván Zuluaga, a former candidate for the Democratic Center who will now support the former mayor of Medellín, stands out.

One of the consultations that won the fewest votes was the Centro Esperanza coalition, which, with candidates such as: Sergio Fajardo, Alejandro Gaviria, Jorge Enrique Robledo, Juan Manuel Galán, among others, sought to dominate given the precedent of 2018, however, the result was not as expected, since it was a low figure compared to the two other groups.

Sergio Fajardo, as the winner of the same, indicated that since his coalition he has entered into consensus to define who would accompany the Antioquian politician towards the first round. For the time being, Fajardo simply asserted that his formula would be a woman, he warned that for the moment there is nothing defined and they are taking the time to make a wise choice.

Meanwhile, one of the most voted consultations was that of the Historical Pact, which, with two strong leaders, surprised the voters by the figures shown in a scenario that predicted another context, because despite the fact that Gustavo Petro was the categorical winner, the surprise was Francia Márquez, who although her vote did not prevail within the Afro communities, their outstanding figure exceeded the results of other candidates, including other coalitions and with a greater history within the political class.

Many supporters have asked Gustavo Petro to choose Francia Márquez as his vice-presidential formula, so that his 783,100 votes are not in vain, however, the obvious leader of this issue has simply asked that all she wants is for change to be achieved in the country, regardless of which candidate it may be.

The other candidates he is looking for in the house of Nariño are: Rodolfo Hernández, John Milton Rodríguez, Ingrid Betancourt, Germán Córdoba, Enrique Gomez, Luis Perez Gutierrez and Luis Gilberto Murillo, who will face Petro, Fajardo and Gutiérrez ahead of the presidency of the republic on May 29, in a hectic elections that will face Petro, Fajardo and Gutiérrez ahead of the presidency of the republic on May 29, in a hectic elections that could mark a milestone in the history of Colombian politics.


