The federal justice system asked to take over the cause of the attack on Congress

Judge Maria Eugena Capuchetti requested it. In addition, he claimed the inhibition of the Buenos Aires judge who has two detainees

Federal Judge María Eugenia Capuchetti seeks to concentrate all the investigation into what happened last Thursday around the National Congress, including the reported attack on Vice President Cristina Kirchner's office. It is that he states that it was held that the facts cannot be “divided” into different cases and that the one responsible for analyzing the facts is the federal justice of Comodoro Py. That is why he sent a letter this afternoon to the Buenos Aires judge Norberto Circo to prevent him from continuing to act in the case. Judicial sources from the Buenos Aires area told Infobae that the local magistrate would decline his jurisdiction in favor of the federal courts.

Last Thursday, when the stones began against the National Congress building, the City Police intervened to the Buenos Aires justice system. After 16 o'clock, the first consultation had just arrived in the Retiro courts. Strictly speaking, depending on the characteristics of the event and what crime is involved, it is decided which justice is involved.

In this case, the Buenos Aires courts opened two cases: one for the assault on police officers and the other with a detainee arrested infranganti. And the federal justice system opened a third because of the damage that occurred in Parliament, a building that belongs to the National State.

This morning, Judge Circo ordered the arrest of one of those suspected of having participated in the incidents that took place when the Chamber of Deputies dealt with the draft agreement with the IMF. This is a Venezuelan identified as Jaru Alexander Rodríguez Carrero who participated in a faction of the Teresa Rodríguez Movement.

Jaru Alexander Rodríguez Carrero after being arrested in a house in Acasuso

The first detainee, Oscar Santillán, from the same group, had already been placed in pre-trial detention, accused of attacking aggravated authority - because he was committed by a meeting of more than three persons - in respect of the City Police personnel who were in office at that time, aggravated damage against different elements that make up the heritage of the City of Buenos Aires, obstruction of public roads, dirtying property and carrying non-conventional weapons.

This morning, Capuchetti received all the videos of the cause. And he ordered to “certify” (see what he was investigating) his colleague from the Buenos Aires Criminal, Contraventional and Misdemeanors Court No. 23. Understanding that these are the same facts, he asked him to refrain from intervening to concentrate all the investigation because “the facts are part of a broad hypothesis, linked to the effect of the proper functioning of one of the powers of the Nation, such as the legislative body that was sitting in the Honorable Congress of the Nation”, judicial sources told this media.

According to the sources consulted, “it can be seen from the film material revealed that the actions of the various persons investigated could have involved conduct organized prior to the completion of the events, this in order to provoke the state of alarm sanctioned by article 211 of the Criminal Code; with the clear purpose to affect the legislative function”.

Judge Maria Eugenia Capuchetti (Adrian Escandar)

In the judge's opinion, the investigation of the facts cannot be separated for reasons of proper administration of justice and in accordance with the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, which establishes that when common and general crimes are investigated jointly, the facts fall within the jurisdiction of the emergency justice system.

“Similarly, it cannot be overemphasized that the members of the City Police who had been assaulted in the events investigated were in the vicinity of the National Legislative Power in order to prevent illicits and provide security to the Honorable Congress of the Nation,” said the judge. Another point that the magistrate also argued is that “in the event, homemade firebombs were used, which correspond to the federal justice system”.