The decline of “Colita”, the Rosario hit man accused of a double crime and for leaving a young man quadriplegic

This is Rubén Darío Coria, 29 years old. One of his victims was César “Rambito” Navarro, son of a lieutenant of the head of the barra brava of Rosario Central




Rubén Darío Coria, alias “Colita”, 29, was charged in Rosario for having been one of the alleged hit men of a resounding double crime that occurred in May 2021 in the northern part of the city. He was the executor. One of the victims was César “Rambito” Navarro, son of Julio “Cara de Goma” Navarro, a lieutenant to the head of the brava bar of Rosario Central, Andres “Pillin” Bracamonte. In addition, the intentional homicide prosecutor Ademar Bianchini attributed to him a shooting that took place in November in which a 22-year-old boy was quadriplegic.

Coria was arrested last Friday in raids carried out by the Homicide Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) in the town of Roldán. He was located in a home located in Maíz at 500. In that operation, some 100,000 pesos in cash, gold chains and rings and a Volkswagen Fox were hijacked.

The policemen waited several days in the vicinity of the home of “Colita” to arrest him. They indicated that the house was under construction and had only been “settled” there for two weeks.

The researchers place him years ago as a shooter of the Los Romero drug clan, whose main territory is the neighborhood of Nuevo Alberdi, where he is a direct relative of his. However, they detected a distancing and suspect that “Colita” later approached drug trafficker Marcelo “Coto” Medrano, killed in the vicinity of a gas station in September 2020 in Granadero Baigorria. However, he would later have become “independent” from criminal organizations and took over drug outlets, although his name does not appear in federal cases for that crime.

The Homicide Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) got a surprise when months ago they found a Falcon 400 motorcycle in the raid on a house owned by Felipe Moré in 1800 for the crime of a cadet who was gunned down in September 2021 at the door of a pellegrini rotisserie at 5,600.


The causes of the alleged hit man

Rubén Coria is suspected of two causes of homicide. One was for shooting 22-year-old Patricio Agustín L. on November 8 last year in Superí and Zelaya, in the northern part of Rosario. This young man received impacts on the neck, resulting in a spinal cord injury that led to a quadriplegia. Since then he has been hospitalized at the Clemente Álvarez Emergency Hospital (Heca).

The investigation into that attack focused on an alleged confrontation between gangs, since the victim of that brutal shooting is a member of an organization at odds with “Los Pimpis”, whose leader was convicted of shooting the house of the then governor Antonio Bonfatti, and murdered on October 25, 2019 at the home of a judge in the La Florida neighborhood, on the north coast of the city.

For this shooting, the intentional homicide prosecutor Bianchini charged “Colita” with attempted murder and carrying a firearm of war.

In another investigation, UFI Homicide Chief Adrián Spelta placed Coria as one of the alleged hit men who shot Cristian Marcelo “Rulo” Bogolim and César “Rambito” Navarro. In the same attack, Juan M. was injured, who suffered gunshot wounds to the back and right leg.

Ruben Dario Coria, “Colita”

The three victims were ambushed while having a barbecue for lunch at the Fonavi complex in the northern part of Rosario, according to the investigation. It is presumed that the killings were commissioned, but until now it did not transcend what the remuneratory promise would have been and who would have paid that sum.

A feature of the body of “Rulo” Bogolim caught the attention of the police when they arrived at the scene of the double crime. He was wearing an electronic anklet for a federal cause of drug trafficking, for which he had house imprisonment. He died at the scene by gunfire in the skull.

In the case of “Rambito” Navarro, he died as a result of hypovolemic shock from massive chest hemorrhage due to multiple bullets. Julio César “Rubber Face” Navarro, father of “Rambito”, was well known in Rosario Central. He was number two in the barra brava, behind Andrés “Pillín” Bracamonte, and was shot to death in the chest on May 25, 2016 in the vicinity of Schweitzer and Tarragona, in the Northwest area.

At yesterday's hearing, where he was credited with co-authorship of the double crime of May 1 and the attempted murder of November 8, the private defender of “Colita” asserted that at the time of the murders of Navarro and Bogolim his client was traveling with his family in the Cordoba city of Villa Carlos Paz.

In any case, the criminal judge of first instance Florentino Malaponte ordered effective preventive detention for the period of law.


