The complete list of candidates who won and make it to the Senate and House of Representatives

The Historical Pact was one of the biggest winners in the legislature, while by traditional forces, the Liberal and Conservative parties triumphed in Sunday's elections


The candidates who will occupy the seats of the Senate and House of Representatives in the next parliamentary term have already been defined, and although much has been said about the parties that were most represented in both corporations, very little is known about the total number of candidates who will make up the new Congress until 2026.

It is already known that the Historical Pact was the big winner on election day, not only because of the 4,487,551 votes that Gustavo Petro won in the consultation for the first presidential round, but also because of the 16 senators and 25 representatives to the House who were elected. But who are these new congressmen?

Infobae brings the complete list by party or coalition that won a seat for the next parliamentary term. Many are repeating period:

1. Historical Pact, 16 seats:

- Gustavo Bolivar

- Maria Jose Pizarro

- Alexander Lopez Maya

- Aida Avella

- Roy Barriers

- Martha Isabel Peralta Epieyu

- Ivan Cepeda Castro

- Piedad Cordoba

- Pedro Florez Porras

- Isabel Cristina Zulet

- Alex Florez

- Clara Lopez Obregon

- Robert Daza Guevara

- Yuly Esmeralda Hernandez

- Wilson Arias

- Gloria Ines Florez

2. Conservative Party, 16 seats:

- Nadya Blel Scaff

- Carlos Trujillo Gonzalez

- Mark Daniel Pineda

- Efrain Cepeda

- Liliana Esther Bitar

- Oscar Barreto Quiroga

- Diela Benavides

- Oscar Mauricio Giraldo

- Nicolas Echeverry

- Juan Merheg

- German Alcides Blanco

- Juan Carlos Garcia

- Jose Alfredo Marin

- Miguel Ángel Barreto

- Soledad Tamayo

- Hope Andrade

3. The Liberal Party won 15 seats, showing that traditional parties continue to set the trend, at least in the legislative

- Lidio Garcia Turbay

- Juan Pablo Gallo

- Karina Espinosa

- Alejandro Carlos Chacon

- Fabio Amin

- Miguel Angel Pinto

- Claudia Maria Perez

- Alejandro Vega

- Juan Diego Echavarria

- Jaime Enrique Duran

- Jhon Jairo Roldan

- Mauricio Gomez Amin

- Mario Alberto Brown

- Laura Esther Fortich

- Sara Jimena Castellanos

4. The coalition Green Alliance and Centro Esperanza, with 14 seats, managed to become the fourth main force, managing, together with the Historical Pact, to counterbalance the traditional ones. In addition, surprisingly, 'Jota Pe' Hernández achieved the third highest vote, beating Humberto de la Calle, of this same movement.

- Jonathan Ferney Pulido Hernandez

- Humberto from Lombana Street

- Ariel Avila

- Angelica Lozano Correa

- Inti Asprilla

- Jairo Alberto Castellanos

- Ana Carolina Espitia

- Guido Echeverri

- Andrea Padilla Villarraga

- Edwing Fabian Diaz

- Gustavo Moreno Hurt

- Sor Bedoya

- Ivan Name Vasquez

- Leon Fredy Munoz

5. The Democratic Center won 14 seats for the senate, led by Miguel Uribe, the candidate with the highest vote in the country, with 223,167 votes, followed by María Fernanda Cabal with 196,865. The others are:

- Joshua Alirio Barrera

- Andres Felipe Guerra

- Esteban Quintero Cardona

- Paola Holguin

- Paloma Valencia

- Enrique Cabrales

- Carlos Manuel Meisel

- Ciro Ramirez

- Jose Vicente Carreno

- Honorio Henriquez

- Yenny Rozo Zambrano

- Maria Angelica Guerra

6. Radical Change, with 11 representatives, is the sixth force of the Senate:

- David Luna

- Arturo Char

- Antonio Zabarain

- Carlos Abraham Jimenez

- Edgar Jesus Diaz

- Carlos Mario Farelo

- Jorge Benedetti Martelo

- Ana Maria Castaneda

- Carlos Fernando Motoa

- Jose Luis Perez Oyuela

- Didier Lobo Chinchilla

7. For the U match, ten candidates won a seat, and contrary to many predictions, athlete Catherine Ibargüen burned:

- Juan Carlos Garces

- John Moses Besaile

- Norma Hurtado

- José David name

- Juan Felipe Lemos

- Julio Elias Chagui

- Alfred Deluque

- Berner Leon Zambrano

- Jose Alfredo Gnecco

- Antonio Jose Correa

For its part, the Mira-Colombia Justa Libres coalition gained access to four seats in Congress; Beatriz Lorena Cuéllar, Carlos Guevara, Ana Paola Agudelo, Manuel Antonio Virguez, and two indigenous constituencies: Aida Marina Quilcue, for the 'Mais' movement, and Polivio Rosales, for 'Aico'.

For the House of Representatives, the Liberal Party won 32 seats, the one with the highest occupation in this corporation:

- Alexander Bermudez

- Alvaro purse

- Alvaro Rueda

- Andres David Calle

- Aníbal Hoyos

- Carlos Adolfo Ardila

- Cesar Gomez

- Dolcey Oscar Torres

- Elizabeth Jay-Pang Diaz

- Flora Perdomo

- German Rozo

- Gilma Diaz

- Hector Chaparro

- Hugo Archila

- Jezmi Barraza

- Jhoany Carlos Alberto Palacios

- Jose Octavio Cardona

- Juan Carlos Lozada

- Julian Peinado

- Karyme Cotes

- Kelyn Johana Gonzalez

- Leonardo Gallego

- Luis Carlos Ochoa

- Maria Eugenia Lopera

- Monica Bocanegra

- Olga Beatriz Gonzalez

- Oscar Sanchez

- Pieta Correal

- Sandra Aristizabal

Silvio Jose Carrasquilla

- Wilmer Yesid Guerrero

For its part, the Historical Pact achieved an outstanding number of 25 representatives, led by the presenter and actor, Agmeth Escaf, Alfredo Mondragón and Alirio Uribe. The others are:

- Carmen Elisa Ramirez

- Cristobal Caicedo

- David Toro

- David Racero

- Eduard Sarmiento

- Erick Velasco Burbano

- Ermes Pete

- Etna Tamara Argote

- Gabriel Becerra

- Heraclito Lalindez Suarez

- Jorge Alejandro Ocampo

- Jorge Andres Cancimance

- Jorge Bastidas

- Jose Alberto Tejada

- Unfortunately, Alexandra Vásquez

- Leyla Marleny Rincón

- Maria del Mar Pizarro

- Maria Fernanda Carrascal

- Mary Anne Andrea Perdomo

- Pedro Jose Suarez

- Susana Gomez Castaño

For its part, the Conservative Party will also occupy 25 seats in the minor chamber, starting with Alfredo Ape, Andrés Felipe Jiménez, Andrés Guillermo Montes and Armando Antonio Zabarain.

- Ciro Rodriguez

- Daniel Restrepo Carmona

- Delcy Isaza

- Fernando David Child

- Gerardo Yepes

- Hector Cuellar

- Ingrid Sogamoso

- Jorge Quevedo Herrera

- Jose Alejandro Martinez

- Juan Daniel Penuela

- Juan Loreto Gomez Soto

- Juana Carolina Londono

- Juliana Aray

- Julio Roberto Salazar

- Libardo Cruz Cascado

- Luis Eduardo Diaz

- Luis Miguel Lopez

- Nicolas Barguil

- Ruth Amelia Caicedo

- Wadith Alberto Manzur

- Yamil Arana Padaui

For the Democratic Center, Andrés Forero, Carlos Osorio, Christian Munir Garcés, Edinson Olaya, Eduar Alexis Triana, Hernán Cadavid, Hugo Lozano, Jhon Jairo Berrío, José Jaime Uscátegui, Juan Felipe Corzo, Juan Fernando Espinal, Olmes Echavarría, Oscar Darío Pérez, Oscar Villamiamia Zar, Yesica Acosta and Yulieth Andrea Sanchez.

Now, for the 'Party of Union for the People, Party of the U, Alexander Guarín, Alvaro Londoño, Ana Paola García, Astrid Montes de Oca, Camilo Esteban Avila, Diego Fernando Caicedo, Hernando Guida, Jorge Eliécer Tamayo, Jose Eliécer Salazar, Julián David Lopez, Milene Jarava Diaz, Saray Elena Robayo Teresa of Jesus Henriquez, Victor Manuel Salcedo and Wilmer Carrillo were chosen as representatives.

In Radical Change, these were the ones chosen by the citizens to form the Chamber:

- Adriana Arbelaez

- Bayardo Betancourt

- Betsy Perez

- Carlos Cuenca

- Gersel Luis Perez

- Hernando Gonzalez

- Jaime Rodriguez

- Jairus Humberto Cristo

Javier Alexander Sanchez

- John Edgar Perez

- Juio Cesar Triana

- Lina Maria Garrido

- Modest Enrique Aguilera

- Nestor Rico Rico

- Sandra Milena Ramirez

- Victor Yovar Trujillo

During this four-year period, the Green Alliance will occupy 11 seats, divided between Catherine Juvinao, Cristian Avendaño, Duvalier Sanchez, Elkin Rodolfo Ospina, Gloria Liliana Rodriguez, Jaime Raúl Salamanca, Juan Camilo Londoño, Juan Diego Muñoz, Luvi Katherine Miranda, Olga Lucia Velásquez and Wilmer Yair Castellanos.

The League of Anti-Corruption Rulers won, with Erika Tatiana Sánchez and Juan Manuel Cortés, two seats; meanwhile Julia Miranda was left for the New Liberalism. Mira-Colombia Justa Libres chose Irma Luz Herrera, and Jennifer Pedraza was chosen for Centro Esperanza.

For the Historical Pact and Green Alliance, the Radical Change Party Coalition and Mira, Colombia Renaissance, Historical Pact, People on the Move, Historical and Greens Pact, the Coalition Together for Caldas and the Coalition Party of the U and Colombia Justa Libres, there was one candidate: Martha Lisbeth Alfonso, Mauricio Parodi, Jorge Cerchiaro, Dorina Fernández, Gabriel Parrado, Juan Sebastian Gomez and Carlos Bryan were also selected.

Finally, Miguel Polo Polo and Ana Rogelia Monsalve were left with two Afro-descendant constituencies.

