The 5 signs that invite us to think that Tevez will run in the next elections in Boca

While the current leadership has already spent more than half of its term with Riquelme at the helm, versions of a political dispute between idols are growing in 2023


It's a long way to go, but not that long: 21 months. The current leadership of Boca Juniors exceeded half of a management that had the imponderable impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The leadership chaired by Jorge Amor Ameal and Juan Román Riquelme was responsible for clarifying time and again that the club's economic situation was not healthy, as claimed by the previous board of directors, which denies having left the accounts in disarray. The threats of the publication of the audit numbers seem to have remained in the past despite the claim of the “$5 million in cash they left” following the multi-million dollar sales of Nahitan Nandez and Darío Benedetto.

In sports, the team won three titles (2019/2020 Super League, Diego Maradona Cup and Copa Argentina 2021) and is excited to be the protagonist in the Libertadores again. On the horizon there is an electoral process that can mark a before and after in the institutional life xeneize.

Will Carlos Tevez participate actively with the opposition in the elections that will take place in December next year? That is the question to be debated. While Roman opened the doors for him to join his working group, Apache is clear that if he decides to appear on a list, he will be with the opposition. The high anti-richelmist spheres persuade him, bait him, try to convince him to return to Boca without his shorts. And although Tevez still has time to define his position, some signs suggest that he will authorize printing his surname on one of the ballots.


The only possible destination for Tevez to play professionally again seems to be the MLS (REUTERS/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)

Although at the beginning of February his representative warned that he had advanced management with a club abroad, there was no further news about his hypothetical return to professional football. Carlitos hits the golf ball with his clubs and, if it's the big one with the segments, he only kicks it with his brothers in Fuerte Apache. He trains often, because he does not lose the routine with which he built his sports career. But he doesn't get up early or demand for more. And it gives the tastes and permissible ones that were previously deprived of.

“I wouldn't go and play in a place where I know I'm going to have a hard time. Yes, where my family is well and I can mix the pleasure of living quietly with family and playing football.” Given this premise, the destination that emerges is MLS, more precisely DC United, where his close friend Wanchope Ábila passed through. The North American competition has been running for three days and, for now, it did not transpire that Tevez could land in the United States as he once fantasized.

Last January, he was a luxury guest for the Barcelona anniversary of Guayaquil and felt like a professional player again for a while.


Apache does the coaching course but also imagines himself as a leader (Official Boca)

Since the indeterminate break he put to his sports career in the middle of last year, Tevez gave several interviews and in none of them eluded the million-dollar question: “Will you return to Boca as a leader?” . He has been a coaching course for a year, he had planned to do a coaching course and was even tempted by his representative to manage players, something he refused. “When I feel the need to do something, I will prepare myself and do my best. Whether to play, to be a coach or a leader. I don't know how to say it today because I don't feel it,” he said a while ago.

He could have thrown the ball out when they asked him if there were times for him to join a roster in the 2023 elections, but that is not something that the player Tevez did and it seems that neither did the former footballer: “Times do. Then you have to see if you are ready or not.”

Far from being frightened by that idea, he takes as a flirtation every time he is touched on the political issue. And he mentioned as a latent possibility the chance to represent the opposition list that will go against Ameal and Riquelme next year. Of course, he clarified: “If I know that I am going to politics, I will not go against Roman, Bermudez, Cascini or the Chelo. I'm not going to throw dirt on Roman or this leadership. That will be my way if I get into politics tomorrow. People will then decide if Roman and his people are doing things right.”


Mauricio Macri with Carlos Tevez and his wife, Vanesa

“I imagine Carlos participating in the immediate future in Boca politics, without a doubt. I see him very committed. He is a man who loves Boca, passionate about Boca. Now there are concerns of all kinds. I see him integrating a group of people, first at a learning stage and then taking on more responsibilities. I have always accompanied him, I have a special affection for him.” Former President Xeneize and of the Nation is clear that Tevez has to be the battle horse of the opposition. It is not yet decided whether he will actively participate in the list or whether he will fulfill the functions of advisor, orchestrating from behind. But he loves Tevez, yes or yes.

At the same time as Macri bears the figure of Tevez, he also denotes the management of Juan Román Riquelme. “I don't feel identified. I don't like a club where everything happens to revolve around a person a lot. I don't think it's right. The club is an institution. It has to have a set of responsible leaders who act in coordination and that is not seen. There is a very blurred situation of the president”, it was the first dart that MM threw against Ameal and his vice president. And in the last week he returned recharged: “Don't you realize it's ruining us? It's one thing to know how to put the ball and another thing to run a club.”

Regarding the continuous calls of Mauricio and company, the Boquense idol said: “It is an idea that others have and they are throwing it at me, that makes a lot of noise. Everyone knows the friendship I have with Mauricio (Macri), Daniel (Angelici) and the former leadership, but I always left something one thing. If I put my name, I'll be the one who drives, it won't be Macri or Daniel Angelici.” Recently, Macri and Tevez met to play golf and say that, between hole and hole, the former president, who was strongly criticized by the Patron Bermudez, began to sweeten the idol's ear with a view to 2023.


Tevez and Angelici formed a bond of friendship for years (NA)

Tevez does not stop the snowball that continues to roll and enlarge, and symbolizes the strong rumor of his candidacy in Boca. Quite the opposite: on March 4, he showed publicly with Daniel Angelici at the Lawn Tennis in Buenos Aires to watch Argentina's Sebastián Báez and Diego Schwartzman's matches against the Czech Republic in the Davis Cup (cover image of this article). The former president and former captain of the Ribera team avoided giving statements, but his presence in everyone's sight can be interpreted as an announcement of things to come.

El Tano (Angelici) is my friend, simple. What he does with Boca's policy is all his responsibility, not mine. If tomorrow my heart tells me and I decide to be a leader, the first thing I will do is prepare myself because I won't let anyone handle me. I don't want to be a puppet. If you are, it is out of conviction and to be clear. Not to be used because they see any chance of winning,” said one Tevez who warned that before breaking his relationship with Angelici he will choose not to get involved in institutional politics.

The first stage of conviction on the part of their mentors is underway. The second stage of conviction will be about the player himself: “If I am not sure how to take Boca to the top and I feel that I am not ready, I will not be a leader. That's not going to change my friendship with Daniel and Mauricio. It is a decision that I have to make with my family and I have time until 2023 that they have a mandate.”


Over time, the concept that the embrace between Riquelme and Tevez on the day the Apache put an end to their career in Boca was merely formal, it became consistent. It is that although when Carlos is asked what his relationship with Roman is like, he answers that “good”, during his coexistence as vice president and footballer there was practically no dialogue. Tevez, captain of the team led by Miguel Russo, didn't even meet with the members of the Football Council to discuss the awards.

“I chatted little and nothing. I was doing my job and leaving, I didn't want to get screwed or anything. I made it clear to them: 'I'm early, I'm leaving last because I'm the captain and I show the boys how to work. Ask me absolutely nothing, '” Tevez revealed.

From the outside and as a fan, the one from Fuerte Apache said that he does not agree with the management of the current leadership, repeated that he is not related to it and issued an opinion that resonated with Riquelme's behavior after a Boca match ( he got off the bus to the squad after a defeat with Gimnasia La Plata to give a talk): “If I was there, I wouldn't get off the mic. I told him to come and congratulate us upstairs, it was the right thing to do.”

What did Riquelme say when they consulted him about Tevez's possible candidacy? After predicting that the ruling party would win 90-10 in the 2023 elections, he ironized: “If Carlos participates, it ends 85-15″. Roman appealed to respect and cordiality. He insisted on the idea of adding him to his working group, although deep down he knows that this will be impossible: “Hopefully if he wants him to do it, if he wants to join us he has the doors open, if he wants to accompany another, he has to do what he feels. How will it bother me. If he enjoys trying, he knows that my affection will never change.”

In the middle of the “crossfire”, two pearls gave an account of the laughter between one side and the other: the dedications for Riquelme and Cascini in a recorded video on Tevez's last birthday and Carlitos' own joke in an interview with Alejandro Fantino in which he put on a mask of Star Wars.

“If I decide to be on a list tomorrow to help the club, it will be because I fully trust myself. I'm not going to notice what's in front of me. It's because I'll have a clear idea for the club and then people will decide if they choose Roman, Tevez or anyone else. Then if it goes right or wrong, we'll have to take care of it. Did it go well? All right. Did it go wrong? To step aside. Have the greatness to say it and stand aside. Because here is not Riquelme or Tevez, here the fan makes Boca great. That's clear to me.” Carlos Alberto Tevez speaks and his speech takes on a political tone. Will he be polishing it by 2023?

