Story of a leak: four suspects escaped from a police station in Martínez while investigating their accomplice

They are all Chilean nationals and there are five policemen in the crosshairs. They broke the lock of a dungeon while the only woman in the gang testified to the prosecutor virtually




They were looking for a scruche-type robbery in a house in the town of Martínez. The gang, they knew from the security cameras of the municipality of San Isidro, moved in two cars, one was a Ford Ka. Although, the key fact to find at least several of the criminals involved in the assault was the tracking of one of the cell phones they stole. Thus, they captured five suspects: four men and one woman, all of Chilean nationality. They were apprehended and taken to the 2nd police station and on Saturday the prosecutor in the case decided to first investigate the detainee virtually. While that was happening, his other four accomplices “broke a lock and escaped.”

According to Infobae sources of the investigation, due to the escape that occurred on Saturday, between 22.30 and 0.30 on Sunday, of the suspects who were temporarily housed in the San Isidro 2nd section of Martinez, located in Italy in 1900, there are five agents in the crosshairs, at least part of the Audit of the General Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Security for its negligence or possible complicity.

“They were detained for aggravated robberies in that area and, while they were doing the necessary steps, they escaped. The cell is closed and the lock is broken”, confided sources of the case consulted by this medium. They were not the only sources consulted who said that the police station is “passing through” and that “it is not authorized to hold detainees, except in transit, because it does not have several cells but one with a lock and, when the initial proceedings end, the referrals are made”.

Alejandro Osorio Retamal

The escapees are Carlos Javier Cordero Oteiza (27), Jairo Esteban Gaete Ibarra (26), Rodrigo Ignacio Leyton Johnstone (24) and Alejandro Osorio Retamal (32), who are intensely sought after. Two break-ins have even been carried out with negative results.

The fact is that the investigators face a problem: “Everyone entered the country illegally and here they have nothing legal, no telephone or real address or documents; they walk in rented cars and, it is suspected, they actually lived in a rented house in Haedo.” And they added that the modus operandi is: “Enter through an illegal crossing, stealing and making money and so on until, when they burn the potatoes, they leave.”

Rodrigo Ignacio Leyton Johnstone

According to this media outlet, Leyton Johnstone, for example, claimed to be a street vendor; that Osorio Retamal claimed that his trade was that of a merchant; and that Gaete Ibarra claimed to be unemployed. The three said they lived in the same house in Carabobo at 4,400 in Villa Luzuriaga, in La Matanza, and were single. On the other hand, Corder Oteiza, a bachelor and merchant, gave a domicile in the same party as his accomplices but in Lope de Vega at 1700, in Isidro Casanova.

The truth is that the only one who was arrested was the woman of Chilean nationality whom prosecutor María Paula Hertrig, from the decentralized UFI in Boulogne, was taking the investigation into the robbery of Martínez's house while her accomplices escaped. The suspect, who had recently arrived in the country, has causes in Chile for “a drug issue”, the sources explained to this media outlet and said that the records of the four escapees have not yet arrived.

Carlos Javier Cordero Oteiza

The case against the suspects of Chilean nationality began last Friday with a robbery under the “scruche” modality in a house located in Edison at 900, in Martínez. The robbers were moving in two cars, one of them a Ford Ka: they stole and escaped.

Security cameras in the municipality and the tracking of one of the cell phones taken by the robbers led the police to stop the suspected Ford Ka and thus captured the five. Though now they're looking for four again.

Jairo Esteban Gaete Ibarra


