Senator María Fernanda Cabal Puts Former President Uribe as a Breaking Point for the 2022 Presidential Election

The Congresswoman of the Democratic Center celebrated her re-election to the Senate and assured that she will now seek to set an agenda with her party ahead of the presidential elections.




The congressional elections have once again left right-wing politics in charge of a seat to represent the ideals of its voters. With more than 189,000 votes, Cabal won one of the most important and historically relevant votes as the most voted woman as a congressman.

In addition, this being the second time he has reached the Senate, since he had previously been a Representative to the House, he further highlights his acceptance among voters. María Fernanda has consolidated herself among Colombian politicians as one of the most influential because of her closeness to former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

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For the next elections he is clear that his party and especially the opinion of his party leader, Uribe, will make a difference in the first round and in a possible second round ahead of the presidential elections.

Faced with this, Cabal has said that they will meet as a party to make decisions on who to support, bearing in mind that their main representative, Oscar Iván Zuluaga, resigned his candidacy to join the campaign of Antioquia Federico Gutiérrez.

“I want to propose to President Uribe that we consult the base bench so that he can answer what he wants from the party, where to go, how the happiest and most supported people feel and support whom,” he said.

It is worth remembering that Gutiérrez was elected in the last consultation as the candidate of the Team for Colombia to reach the elections as the sole candidate in the elections for president. However, he will first have to defeat the leader of the Historical Pact Gustavo Petro, Sergio Fajardo, among others such as Rodolfo Hernández.

The alliances in search of reaching the presidential house are not long in coming and the candidates are already sharpening their political strategies to reach more voters. “We want to generate a representative commission to meet with the candidate of the Team for Colombia and have the basic guidelines of President Uribe,” said the congresswoman.

However, Cabal stands out from giving any notice of immediate support to a candidate, especially Federico Gutiérrez, whom he said he did not know him and with whom he hopes to sit down and talk.

“He is an option, but I said I want to ask him questions, because I don't know him, the least one has to do is sit down and talk. I want to get out of doubt and reach agreements, which is what you should do, but don't anticipate, don't run away just because”, he said.

Federico “Fico” Gutiérrez would be in the plans of Uribism to provide him with the necessary support for the first round of the presidential elections. Photo: Courtesy.

Meanwhile, in the debate last Monday, after the elections, Federico said that he will be meeting with different sectors of society and political shores to be able to add support to his campaign, adding some parties such as the Green and Democratic Center, among others.

A first meeting will be taking place this Tuesday as the Senator said, although it is not clear whether there will be a final decision against whom they will support, since now they do not have a proper name from their political party.

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