Raúl Romero: What is the original lyrics of “Las Torres” and why was it changed by NSQ and the NSC?

Germán Vargas, a former drummer from NSQ and the NSC, confessed that the song's bridge was changed by the band, in which Alberto Fujimori and a “novelist” are mentioned.


“One terrorist, two terrorists.” You probably remember almost by heart the lyrics of 'Las Torres', one of the most popular songs by Nosequien and los Nosecuantos, a Peruvian band initially formed by Raúl Romero (vocals), Alfredo Sillau (guitar), Fernando Ríos (bass) and Germán Vargas (drums).

The song had as its musical basis the children's theme “An elephant swayed”. But the rhythm was not what made “Las Torres” a nineties anthem, but rather the public figures who were part of the lyrics, including Alberto Fujimori, Alan García, Agustín Mantilla and Armando Villanueva.

This is in addition to the events that marked Peru in one of its most difficult times - the end of Alan García's presidential term and the terrorist attacks of Shining Path -, made the NSQ and NSC song continue to be one of the most remembered songs so far.

But did you know that the official lyrics are not the original lyrics that the band originally wrote? According to former drummer Germán Vargas on Twitter, “Las torres” was created during a sound test that was not attended by Raul Romero, who he also accused of to have committed plagiarism at the time of composing. Therefore, the voice of the popular 'Cara de haba' would not have been part of the song.

Vargas explained that the conflicts in the group began after the creation of “Las Torres”, which was scheduled to be released on the band's first album, called “With the respect they deserve”. However, it ended up being part of “We are nothing”, published in 1991, but with the lyrics changed.


Germán Vargas explained that nobody really knows the original lyrics of “Las Torres”, except for the oldest members of the band. But he did indicate that the bridge of the song was later changed by the group, in which Alberto Fujimori and a “novelist” are mentioned, in reference to Mario Vargas Llosa.

“The song Las Torres (Los Terroristos) was composed long before it aired (distorted). I was there when it was composed but not when it was redone,” the former drummer wrote in an extensive Twitter thread.

He even said that Mario Vargas Llosa asked him why they had decided to put “novelist” in the lyrics, to which he only replied that it was a “patch that he put after (the band)”. In addition, he said the Peruvian writer was not angry about that reference, but for including “and perhaps Fujimori”.

Vargas's statements coincide with Alfred Sillau's version, who indicated that Raúl Romero was not part of the song because he was late for the soundcheck and because “the lyrics were not learned”.

“I wrote a list with several names (of people linked to politics) on a piece of paper. That's where the thing starts. The lyrics were mutating, initially there was no Fujimori,” he recalled in an interview for El Comercio.


Although the other members of the band have not spoken about it, Germán Vargas indicated that “the lyrics were changing to fulfill the political task”. “The final arrangement of the lyrics already has the hand of SIN,” he said in another tweet.

Because of this change and the conflicts he had with Raul Romero, Vargas decided to resign from NSQ and the NSC. “The political quarrels with Romero prevented making music in fashion and with height. I don't work with geisha, and I left (...) Going from being a contestant group to being a group of comechados. No,” Germán added.

Part of Germán Vargas's Twitter thread. (Photo: Capture)


One terrorist, two terrorists

They were swaying

On a collapsed tower

As they saw that he resisted

They went to call a comrade

One terrorist, two terrorists

An emerretian guerrilla

A drug dealer in Huallaga

They were swaying

On a collapsed tower

As they saw that he resisted

They went to call Alan Garcia

One terrorist, two terrorists

An emerretian guerrilla

A drug dealer in Huallaga

The buffalo prista Agustin Mantilla

Alan Garcia and his company

Villanueva, they sway

On a collapsed tower

As they saw that he resisted

They went to call Abimael

One terrorist, two terrorists

An emerretian guerrilla

A drug dealer in Huallaga

The buffalo prista Agustin Mantilla

Alan Garcia and his company

Villanueva del Campo, give me so much trouble

Like Chirino Soto with his poto face

Like five cops on the corner of Larco

Selling raffles to the most loved

And there is total corruption everywhere

And for five lucas I buy a disputed

A judge, a prosecutor

A couple of lawyers

An architect, a sub-prefect

A novelist, a couple of journalists

An archbishop, a cardinal

A weeping virgin and a real virgin

And maybe Fujimori

(If there is no solution, the strike continues

If there is no solution, the strike continues

If there is no solution, the strike continues

If there is no solution)

On a collapsed tower

As they saw that he resisted

No one went to call an electrician