Prepare a tasty chifa-style chicken chicharrón with this Peruvian recipe tests your cooking skills with meat. Prepare this power recipe for the Peruvian food that you will love.

The recipe of the day. Simple steps to prepare a pork rinds, but this time with chicken with a chifero style. Let's remember that in the chifas the chicken next to the chair or for rice or other foods that we accompany with soda. In that sense, pork rinds are delicious to scare your family.

Therefore, follow this recipe from for a better preparation of chifero-style chicken chicharrón with chinese cinnamon and lemon. In addition, it is a simple recipe so that you can put your cooking skills into practice in the sense of creating a creativity for your well-being with food and sharing it with the family. They are two servings with 10 minutes of preparation and a cooking time of 5 minutes.

Follow the procedures and put the ingredients in order so that you can take note of any process. In addition, an explanatory video is left for the purpose of a simpler dynamic in preparing the pork rinds. Without further ado, test yourself and good luck.

Don't know what to cook? We present you the step by step of the best recipes of Gastón Acurio: Peruvian food at the table.


- Chicken Legs - 8 (units)

- Chili Powder (optional) - To taste

- Salt and Pepper - To taste

- Claro Chair - To taste

- Chinese cinnamon (Powder 5 spices) - 1 (teaspoon)

- Lemon - To taste


- Remove ends of the 8 chicken legs, cut legs into 2 parts with the help of a machete, reserve in a mold (if you like you can add chili powder to your liking)

- Add salt and pepper to taste to the cut legs, add chairor clear to taste.

- In a pan add a handful of salt and toast over medium heat for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and set aside until cool.

- After the salt is cold, sift toasted salt into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of Chinese Cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful of sifted toasted salt, integrate and add lemon juice to taste and integrate.

- Fry chicken legs for 5 minutes in plenty of hot oil over medium heat, remove and serve hot.



According to a Harvard University study in 2012, chicken contains few saturated fats and is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, both of which are beneficial and recommended for good cardiovascular health. However, it is important to avoid trans fats as they can contribute to high blood pressure or plaque buildup in the arteries.

Fried chicken. Photo: Gado/Getty Images

“If as a source of fat we have to choose between a chicken with skin or some nuts, it is better to opt for the latter. But that does not mean that the skin of the chicken is bad,” argues the food technologist. In that sense, it is important to know how to cook chicken, since if it is poorly cooked you can have health problems (indigestion, poisoning, etc.). Therefore, follow these recommendations:

- Never leave the newly purchased chicken at room temperature. Refrigerate or freeze it as soon as possible.

- Wash your hands, the surface where you will prepare the chicken, utensils, cutting board and any other implements that come into contact with raw meat. Do it before and after you prepare it.

- Do not wash the chicken before cooking it. The benefit is that this practice increases the risk of contracting bacteria.

- Make sure the chicken is fully cooked. On the other hand, it should be soft, dry and white, never pink and greasy.

- Never mix raw chicken with cooked chicken and do not store cooked chicken in the refrigerator for more than 2 days. Take it into account.

- Finally, transport the cooked chicken in airtight containers and at temperatures below 6 degrees or above 60 degrees.