Picketeers cut 9 de Julio Avenue and threaten to set up a camp: they ask for more social plans

They call for the increase of social plans and the creation of genuine jobs, among other demands. Since yesterday, there are also groups concentrated in front of the Ministry of Labour


Five days after the protest in rejection of the agreement of the national government with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to refinance the debt that ended in violence, destruction and injury in front of Congress, social and left-wing organizations once again demonstrated in the streets, this time to demand the increase of social plans and the creation of genuine jobs, among other claims.

Mobilization generates traffic chaos. Some picket organizations concentrated this afternoon on the Obelisk and mobilized to the Ministry of Social Development. Meanwhile, others marched from the south of the city directly to the headquarters located on Avenida 9 de Julio y Moreno. There they promise to set up a camp until tomorrow. In turn, the cut continues and camp in front of the Ministry of Labor.

The protest is driven by the political groups that make up the so-called Unidad Picketera bloc and who started today the “Plan of Struggle” in rejection of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and against “adjustment and inflation triggering”.

Among the main demands are that the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage be raised from 32,000 pesos to 64,000 pesos, that is, an increase of one hundred percent; the “openness of social programs, such as Empowering Work, or their universalization”, that is, in the words of Eduardo Belliboni, leader of the Workers' Pole, “for all those in need, as was the case with the IFE (Emergency Family Income)” and “improved food assistance and freedom of choice of beneficiaries”.

“Today we went out with everything throughout the country and at the gates of the Ministry of Social Development demanding an urgent meeting with Minister (Juan) Zabaleta and with Minister of Labor (Claudio) Moroni. We want solutions to the very serious social situations that are taking place in the country against workers,” Belliboni said.

“While the emergency lasts, social programs must be universalized and their amount doubled. We also demand comprehensive assistance to the soup kitchens that the government has not guaranteed,” added the social leader.

As announced by the convening groups, they will camp for 24 hours

As planned, the demonstration began around 2 pm. Some organizations gathered from that time on the Obelisk, and then moved to the headquarters of the Ministry of Social Development, where they will camp on 9 de Julio Avenue for 24 hours, as announced by the convening groups.

The measure marks the beginning of a series of mobilizations, roadblocks, bridges and accesses throughout the country that was voted on last Saturday in the plenary held in Plaza de Mayo by the country's main picket organizations.

A march to the Ministry of Labour was already scheduled for tomorrow, while for March 31 mobilizations and roadblocks were voted on throughout the country. And, if they don't get the answers they want from the authorities, the Picket Unit plans another camp in front of the Social Development portfolio, but this time, for 48 hours. As a fourth measure, they resolved to “prepare for the construction of a great federal march”.

Some groups also demonstrate in front of the Ministry of Labour

Participating in these protests are militants of the Teresa Rodríguez Movement (MTR); MTR- Votamos Luchar; C.U.BA-MTR; National Picketero Bloc; the Armando Conciencia Group; MTR 12 de Abril; Front of the Resistance; the Territorial Liberation Movement (MTL) and the Workers' Pole (PO).

Also present are leaders of the Barrios de Pie/Libres del Sur Movement; Coordinator for Social Change; the MST Teresa Vive; the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL); the People's Movement and factions of the Dario Santillán Popular Front.

