Perú Libre rules out threats against congressmen over Guido Bellido's request to vote against vacancy motion

Waldemar Cerrón and other government congressmen met Pedro Castillo on Monday at the Government Palace. There is expectation for the speech that the president will give this Tuesday.

The Peru-Libre bank met this Monday with the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, after it became known that the vacancy motion against him was approved and on the eve of the president attend the Congress of the Republic. The meeting was attended by parliamentarians Germán Tacuri, Guido Bellido, Waldermar Cerrón, Katy Ugarte, among other government parliamentarians.

On his departure from the Government Palace, the spokesman of the parliamentary group, Waldemar Cerrón, referred to the controversy during the vote on the presidential vacancy motion, where Guido Bellido was heard that all votes in the bench must be against, and that he is observing them. “In Peru Libre we practice democracy. There has been no threat, but there can be coordination, a normal form of conversation. Each congressman decides freely, this is not a dictatorship,” he said.

Likewise, on the presentation of the president this Tuesday in the Congress of the Republic, he said that it will be a speech for all Peruvians. On the issues he will touch on, he said that this is up to the president, but he said that he will talk about Education, Health, Agriculture and Transport.

Finally, he indicated that people from different left and right parties must work together to bring forward the main issues that the country needs.

“We have always been optimistic, we are Peruvians and we must work for Peru. Thinking about vacancy or thinking about closing Congress would harm the homeland and the new generations,” he said.

Regarding the paper sent by María del Carmen Alva, president of the Congress, addressed to the president where he asks him to advance the issues he is going to touch, and where he asks him to avoid talking about the vacancy, the Perulibrist was cautious: “That is a question of dialogue, obviously the president can suggest and the president can accept as not, because it is a a panorama that concerns all of Peru”, he said.

Along the same lines, Germán Tacuri, congressman of Peru Libre, specified that the decision on the issues to be addressed will be made by the president with the Council of Ministers. “It does not seem appropriate for us as congressmen to be restricted to the issues to be dealt with.”

“The challenge and seeking confrontation does not come from the President of the Republic, nor from the government, but from the other side. They are the ones who are making the government uncomfortable, they are tripping it, while we as Peru Libre have come to work with the president for the country's development,” said Tacuri.

On the topics that Castillo will touch, he said that the fundamental thing is the restart of face-to-face classes, tomorrow Education is an important topic, he said.


For the spokesman for Peru Libre, the continuity of the Minister of Agriculture Oscar Zea is a decision of the president. He said so in reference to a news report that states that Zea was involved in a murder case. “It is an issue that has been shelved, Peru cannot be rummaging through the lives of some ministers. There is a presumption of innocence”, commented the spokesman.

Although he made it clear that he does not support the minister. “That is clearly a matter for the president. I see that the minister is working very well, and he knows the problems of the sector.”

Tacuri, on the other hand, declared: “All ministers are in constant evaluation, the president will decide whether to continue or not. Whether these complaints have a hold or not. He has that prerogative.”