PAE: possible cases of foodborne illness are detected in five departments

The call is for the country's 96 certified territorial entities to strengthen their preventive and verification measures to mitigate or avoid health risks


So far this school year, in Boyacá, Antioquia, Risaralda, Cundinamarca and Meta, possible outbreaks of Foodborne Diseases (ETS) have been reported in meals delivered by the School Food Plan (PAE). The Ministry of National Education (MEN), through its Food for Learning Unit (UAPA), and the Ministry of Health (MinSalud) are monitoring cases and some of the affected minors have undergone medical tests.

It was indicated that the first possible case of ETA was detected on February 28 in Boyacá. When conducting the preliminary investigations, the health personnel who treated the affected person determined that the case could be related to food provided by the PAE, so they contacted MinSalud. Immediately, the National Liaison Centre (CNE), attached to the aforementioned portfolio, carried out the relevant analyses and notified UAPA.

When investigating thoroughly, the Food for Learning Unit found worrying cases, especially in Boyacá. According to the Ministry of Education, not even in one year are there as many cases of ASD reported as those that have been known in just the last two weeks.

It was detailed that there are five municipalities in Boyacá where cases of ASD have been detected: Paipa, Sáchica, Belén, Soatá and Socotá. According to the epidemiological reports issued, the causes of the infections were related to a bacterium known as Bacillus Cereus, present in Nutralac whole milk powder, which was supplied through the PAE.

The School Food Unit assured that in Boyacá there have been irregularities since last year with the operation of the PAE, including the quality of the products delivered. In particular, the delivered Nutralac milk did not receive the tests, which are due in conjunction with the National Institute for Drug and Food Surveillance (Invima), and that is why these problems of minors with ASD appear now.

It should be noted that in addition to the aforementioned municipalities in Boyacá, the problem is also reported in Caparrapí (Cundinamarca), Risaralda (Pereira), Castilla La Nueva (Meta) and in Caucasia (Antioquia). In the latter, the rules established for the provision of the PAE were not met.

The official assured that the MEN, through the School Food Unit, is already monitoring in places where there are cases or possible cases of STD. Likewise, efforts are being made to increase the quality standards of food delivered through the PAE at the national level.

The call is for the country's 96 certified territorial entities to strengthen their preventive and verification measures to mitigate or avoid health risks. It was indicated not only to control the PAE, but also to the food stalls located near schools.

“What has been found in this area must be analyzed because it is very worrying, but in these cases, it is also necessary to consider the intake of products purchased in street vendors, school stores, shops near the educational institution and students' residence, and those that correspond to the food supplement of the PAE”, said the director of UAPA.

