On social media, juries have revealed alleged electoral frauds

Through Twitter, it has been known in recent hours as jurors have voted twice and sabotaged the voters of the Historic Pact consultation, among other possible irregularities.




The elections of March 13, which defined the presidential candidates of the consultations and senate and chamber, have left hundreds of reactions through social networks, from users celebrating their electoral exercise, to memes and mockery and even controversial comments by famous actors such as Natalia Reyes.

You may be interested: The actress Natalia Reyes ignited the controversy in networks for a trill in which she says that “Fico is Uribe”

But on Twitter there have been a couple of trills that have left some voting juries very poorly positioned. For example, one case is that of the network user named as @jayjayjosejose, alerted to the situation of a jury that apparently would have voted twice, implying legal consequences.

“A bald of 18 who is a jury at my table voted at our table. And then, for “trying” he went to get his ID at another table and voted again... He goes and tells the entities and now our table is troubled with a centennial crying because the prosecution wants to take him away”, commented the triune.

Another is the case of the one named as Sara Rendón, who apparently presumes in a state photo that she has canceled votes in the Historical Pact consultation.


But other of the trills that have generated the greatest indignation is where Susani Lefevre Bessudo, a student at the University of the Andes and grandson of Jean Claude Bessudo, president of Aviatur, can be observed. In the video of a story of the young man you can see how he derogingly refers to voters for the Historical Pact, specifically for Petro, calling them communists and insulting them in a derogatory way.

The most serious aspect of the video is how the young man is seen mocking when he said that voters for the Historical Pact would have given the voting certificates badly and even that he would have delivered only the Team's consultation for Colombia, a consultation in which Federico Gutiérrez was in, even if they had not requested it.

The Electoral Observation Mission MOE, in its specific report from Bogotá, mentioned irregularities that allegedly occurred in the capital. One of the most serious allegations is that apparently in some polling stations in the town of La Candelaria, some citizens voted with passwords and even photocopies of the ballot papers, something that is illegal since you can only vote with the original identification document.

They noted that up to the time of issuing this report, they received 206 allegations of possible irregularities presented in 37 polling stations in 11 locations in Bogotá. Regarding the purchase of votes, 32 complaints were received in Bosa, Usme, Tunjuelito, among other locations.

The EOM also mentioned that some polling stations reported the presence of subjects distributing electoral advertising outside the posts on election day.

“In two positions they talked to the authorities and in one case they reacted and in the other they did not, we transferred to the competent authorities with the URIEL platform of the Prosecutor's Office,” commented the coordinator of the EOM in its Bogotá regional, Aura Rodríguez.


