La Molina: Man is seriously injured after being hit by a baseball bat

The man is fighting for his life and the wrongdoers continue to be investigated while they are free in the streets of Lima.




On Sunday around 7 in the morning, a young man was walking down the street and was dressed by 2 men and received more than 20 blows with a baseball bat, leaving him on the verge of death. All this happened near Los Constructores Avenue in the district of La Molina. The young man was unconscious on the floor, but these evildoers continued to beat him.

The event occurred when a man rushes out and the victim defends himself against his first aggressor, but the other came and with three strokes on the head they manage to reduce it. Already on the ground he gets kicked in the head, a neighbor intervened to try to stop the aggression, but he ends up being hit too.

The neighbors start screaming for them to stop, but they don't even calm down. The young man doesn't react and they keep beating him.

“My son is totally disfigured, he has a broken rib, his head is broken, he can't talk and he can't eat,” his mother said.

The residents of the district commented that this is not the first time this has happened, they live beating people who pass by and have already been imprisoned before, but they have been released.

A police officer commented that in conjunction with the police station they have been captured, but investigations are still being carried out. Meanwhile, neighbors are asking for more security in the district.


Last Saturday night, the Peruvian National Police (PNP) executed a mega-operative against prostitution that haunts the streets of Lima. This was in the Tirón Risso and its surroundings, in the district of Lince. About 43 women and 31 men were involved.

TV Peru shows how more than 400 agents, with the support of Lince's serenades, raided premises located in Arequipa, Petit Thouars, Arenales and Jirón Risso avenues, among other streets. A firearm was found in one of the clandestine establishments.

The PNP indicated that those intervened were taken on buses to police stations to go through an identity check and verify whether they have any requirements in force. They also carried out an operation in the Zepita and Chancay shreds, in the Cercado de Lima, where street prostitution also prevails.


In the morning, the police arrested a 25-year-old man for attempted rape of a girl under four years of age, this subject was transferred to the Canto Rey police station in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, in the 14th block of Rice Avenue.

According to relatives, the minor was sleeping in the back of a motorcycle taxi that belonged to her father, while he worked as a street vendor and within a minute they realized that this guy had already entered the back of the vehicle.

They surprised this man who tried to take the girl, struggled with her and at that moment the relatives outraged by what just happened assaulted the subject along with the residents of the district who also took action on what happened.

The 15-year-old was identified as César Aldea Guevara. He has been hit on the head, he has some cuts on his eyebrow as a result of the aggression he suffered by relatives and neighbors.

It is known that they will receive attention from the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), since the little girl has been left with a slight trauma, she is not talking at the moment.

In addition, Aldea has a record for robbery, theft and crimes against sexual freedom. In this case he will be prosecuted for the crime of improper touching.


