Isabel Cortez backs Pedro Castillo: “If they vacate the president, we all leave”

Parliamentarian Isabel Cortez did not hesitate to support President Pedro Castillo, after the Congress of the Republic accepted the vacancy motion.




Isabel Cortez, parliamentarian of the Juntos for Peru party, spoke out against criticism of Pedro Castillo and did not hesitate to support him, especially now that the Congress of the Republic accepted the vacancy motion submitted by Jorge Montoya.

Through her Twitter account, the congresswoman questioned the admission to debate of the presidential vacancy motion and emphasized that if a sector of the congress “wants to win the presidency” they must do so through the ballot box.

“We have said it again and again: if they vacate the president, we all leave. Like when the usurper Merino took the presidency, they believed that we would do nothing. They saw us on the streets and they'll see us again. The popular vote is respected. If you want the presidency, you are going to win elections,” wrote the parliamentarian.

It is worth mentioning that, during her speech in plenary, the parliamentarian expressed her rejection of the vacancy motion and noted that this initiative was “against the majority will of Peruvians”.

In addition, he stated that the causes on which the document was based were irrelevant and that they were “assumptions” that seek to “once again undermine the legitimacy of the government.

Following the same context, the parliamentarian of Peru Libre, Silvana Robles, in rejection of the congress decision, expressed through this social network that “If Congress wants to trample on the rule of law, the people will remind them what democracy is.”

For her part, Congresswoman Patricia Chirinos, took the admission to debate of the motion against the head of state in a good way.

“Today we took a first step towards restoring peace of mind to the country. The occupant of Palacio will have to appear before Congress and answer for the obvious corruption of his misrule ,” he said on Twitter.


With 76 votes in favor, 41 against and 1 abstentions, the Congress of the Republic approved the admission of the presidential vacancy motion submitted by the Popular Renewal Bank.

Faced with this, the head of state, Pedro Castillo, must go to Parliament to offer his disclaimers on the issues on which this proposal presented by the congressman Jorge Montoya.

It was also agreed that by March 28 at 3 in the afternoon, Castillo Terrones will have to attend the plenary session of the Congress for his release. You can do this alone or in the company of your lawyer.

On the other hand, it was also known that the president will appear before Congress on March 15, a request that he himself requested last Saturday to address the legislators after the seven months of administration he has been carrying out.

Despite the fact that the benches of Avanza Pais, Podemos Peru and Renovación Popular showed their rejection of the request of the head of state for the requested date, it was finally approved to appear before the plenary session at 5 in the afternoon.


The vacancy motion against Pedro Castillo is based on 20 points, which have been the strongest in questioning. Here they stand out:

-Visits to the house of the Sarratea passage.

-Some “contradictions and lies” of the head of state during tax investigations.

-Appointments of ministers questioned.

-The existence of a “shadow cabinet”.

-The intention of submitting to popular consultation a trip to the sea for Bolivia.

-The leak of the teaching test.

-The case of the Tarata III consortium.

-The recent statements of lobbyist Karelim López before the Prosecutor's Office.


