“I'm not waiting to be the vice president”: Francia Márquez

The former presidential candidate for the Historical Pact list assured on Tuesday that she has not been proposed to be the vice-presidential formula of Gustavo Petro




After election day last Sunday, March 13, Antioquia France activist Elena Márquez Mina was the big surprise and winner, experts say, as she managed to be the third highest vote of the presidential pre-candidates with 777,907 votes.

She competed in the list of the Historical Pact, which was won by Gustavo Petro by wide difference, but from the results it was rumored that she would be the vice-presidential formula, mainly because of the results and by an agreement, where she said that the second on the list would be the one to accompany the definitive candidate.

Francia Márquez replied: “I am not expecting to be the vice-president, what I hope is that people will stop suffering (...), but if I do, it would be an act of justice towards the communities I represent”. In addition, the question was raised about the possibility of such an offer, stating that: “If they tell me I will be, and if not I will also support the Covenant Historical”.

This led him to be asked if he has not met with Gustavo Petro to discuss this decision and he stated that since March 13, when they greeted the country and celebrated the results of the vote, they have not spoken; in fact, that day there was no discussion on the subject either. At that time he asserted: “If I had won the consultation I guarantee that the promise will be fulfilled” and concluded by saying that if these covenants were not fulfilled, I would feel that the word was not honored in an already established agreement.

During the interview she was repeatedly insisted on the subject, but, she maintained her firm response and intention that until she is formally told or offered the position, she will not make the decision, since according to her, that point does not belong to her. She was also asked if she is not Gustavo Petro's final vice-presidential formula, would she be interested in a cabinet position? , he replied that he would evaluate it with his team and make the best decision for the country.

Francia Márquez was emphatic about her future, insisting that the goal is to continue pursuing the presidency, adding that the next challenge will be the presidential elections in 2026. But, regardless of the outcome of this year's presidential elections, she emphasized that it is time for a woman to be the president of Colombia. That comment cleared the doubts and rumors that linked her to other popularly elected positions, such as that of the mayor's office of Bogotá, which she was literally asked and responded while she responded laughing, she pointed out that she could never say no, since the future is very uncertain.

Finally, he left as a message to the candidates in the campaign who dedicate themselves to showing their proposals, giving opportunities to the Colombian people, but above all that they do not focus their campaigns on attacking or pointing out other candidates.

