Grandson of the president of Aviatur recounted the irregularities he committed as a voting jury

Suani Lefevre Bessudo uploaded a story on her Instagram account during which she told that she did fraud to favor Federico 'Fico' Gutierrez

The controversy over alleged irregularities during the last election day in Colombia does not stop. In addition to the allegedly altered results and the problems with the registration of ballot papers at some polling stations, there is a confession by a member of the Bessudo family about alleged electoral fraud.

He is the grandson of Jean Claude Bessudo, president of Aviatur, who through his Instagram stories narrated how he did fraud in the past congressional elections and consultations of coalitions to elect presidential candidates.

After the voting day, which took place last Sunday, March 13, the young man uploaded some Instagram stories where he confessed that he made “a steward of all the Petristas”.

According to Suani Lefevre Bessudo, Sandra Bessudo and a student at the University of Los Andes, he sometimes failed to deliver the electoral certificate with which citizens support their participation in the elections and with that they receive benefits as half a day off work.

The young man assured that if the voters insisted on the request for the document, he wrote the name or identification number incorrectly.

“Today I was a voting jury and it sucked, the next time I play I leave the country and come back, as well as for three days. In other news, I did a hijuputada to all the crappy Petrists and if they wonder what I did, it's very easy: when they vote and you have their ID you have to give them a piece of paper that says they have a day off and I didn't give them the piece of paper and if they asked for it I would put a false name,” said Jean Claude's grandson Bessudo.

Likewise, he pointed out that those who requested the card to vote in the Pact Histórico coalition consultation, of which Gustavo Petro, Francia Márquez, Arelis Uriana, Camilo Romero and Alfredo Saade participated, were handed the one of the consultation of the Centro Esperanza coalition, of which Federico 'Fico' Gutierrez was part.

Reactions on social networks

Faced with this confession of alleged electoral fraud, social networks were the scene of several comments and complaints to the Registrar's Office, including to the Attorney General's Office for the statements of Lefevre Bessudo.

Although the young man's Instagram account is private, the stories were recorded and published by several Twitter accounts. “Suani Lefevre Bessudo, a student at the Universidad De Los Andes, son of Sandra Bessudo and grandson of Aviatur President Jean Claude Bessudo, explains on his “private” Instagram account how he did electoral fraud,” says one of the trills where the video was published.

“I am no longer surprised by anything in life! Suani Lefevre Bessudo, student at the Universidad De Los Andes. A motherfucker son of daddy and mommy, explaining how he did electoral fraud. I can't do this anymore! ”, “Quite a criminal the grandson of Jean Claude Bessudo, Suani Lefevre Bessudo, who confesses that he committed #FraudeElectoral and is proud of it.! What an ugly human being!” , are other comments on the social network.

When this type of comment began to haunt social media, the grandson of the president of Aviatur apparently sent some messages claiming that it was a misunderstanding and that the video that went viral on social networks is not complete.

“The video that was published was a criticism I made to Juanpis González of the series, it just wasn't uploaded to my close,” says one of the messages that Internet users posted on the social network.

Photo: Twitter - @migu_e