Fatigue, apathy and insomnia: what is autumn asthenia and how to overcome it

This is a series of common symptoms during the change of season. What are the causes and when to see a doctor




At this time of year, our body acknowledges receipt of the change in temperature and season and autumn asthenia appears.

It is a state of tiredness, apathy, weakness and exhaustion (which increases due to what has been experienced in the context of the pandemic, which is still ongoing) and arises as a result of a lack of adaptation or difficulties that the organism presents in accommodating to seasonal changes. It manifests itself with some body fatigue, muscle aches, irascibility, and a tendency to low pressure, which is associated with headache.

Asthenia occurs due to changes in hours and the consequent changes in the daily routine. The symptoms of autumn asthenia are not serious, but it can affect the quality of life, and they are as follows:

- Decline in academic, school and work performance, as a result of cognitive impairments.

-Decreased energy and motivation.

- Mood disturbances: tiredness, sadness, apathy, lack of interest, irritability.

-Lack or excess of appetite.

-Decreased libido.

-Difficulty falling asleep.

This is a transient symptomatology, which gradually disappears with adaptation; it is not serious, but we can feel weak and even “rare”. Often steps must be taken both to prevent and to quickly navigate and overcome symptoms.

In autumn, mornings and nights are cooler; the day is shorter and there is more humidity. This has some consequences:

- The production of melatonin, which is the hormone that regulates the circadian cycle, is advanced.

-Decreases the production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter known as the “hormone of happiness”).

-There is an imbalance in the organism, there is an imbalance and the body must adapt to these circumstances (hence this feeling of feeling “weird”).

These symptoms and alterations must be added to the diseases typical of the season : colds, allergies, flu and, now, COVID-19.

Given this situation, it is recommended:

Symptoms include decreased energy and motivation, mood disturbances: tiredness, sadness, apathy, lack of interest, irritability (Photo: Christin Klose/DPA)

-Balanced diet: moderate in protein and low in sugars, sodium and saturated fats.

- Control the consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

-Comply with 8 hours of sleep and advance the bedtime to night.

- Avoid exposure to screens before going to sleep.

-Cenar liviano

-Make the most of the hours of natural light.

-Perform physical activity, to increase the secretion of endorphins, and thus increase the feeling of well-being and improve mood.

- Maintain good hydration.

Autumn asthenia does not need medication, drug treatment is not indicated.

Autumn asthenia does not need medication, drug treatment is not indicated (Getty Images)

It is very important to make the differential diagnosis with seasonal affective disorder, in which the patient is already diagnosed with depression and seasonal changes are associated with him.

The important thing, as always, is to consult the doctor for a correct diagnosis and management of these conditions.

Dr. Stella Maris Cuevas, MN: 81701, Otolaryngologist - Expert in smell - Allergist. Former President of the Otolaryngology Association of the City of Buenos Aires (AOCBA)


