Declination of mandate: PAN accused Morena as Fepade for election use of social programs

A document published by Senator of Kenya Lopez Rabadan accuses the party of Cherry for being responsible for implementing a “cumbersome campaign that affects citizens.”


KenyaLopez Rabadan, Deputy Coordinator of the National Action Party (PAN) of the Senate of the Republic, filed a complaint with the Special Prosecutor for Election Crimes (FEPADE) fortheMobi Miento de Regenation Nacional (Morena) partyfor the electoral useof the social program.

In a document published by Senator Panist, the party “Cherry” is accused of “responsible for the implementation of a cumbersome campaign that affects citizens.”

According to Lopez Rabadan, the campaign has proven itself in the deployment of propaganda that causes the provision or continuity of social programssuch as pensions for the elderly, scholarships for young people and children, and helping women and rural areas. “Even forcing a vote, the subway can extend a fee of 5 pesos or continue to apply the vaccine.” The legislator added.

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