Comipems 2022: how to register for the free course to take the exam

On the platform there is a section where you can see the progress, the topics that the student signed up for, the activities are graded immediately and automatically


The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTEI) through its social networks shared a free course to take the Comipems 2022 exam.

The course is conducted through the Seneca Premium virtual platform within which there will be interactive exercises on the different topics covered by the upper middle level exam. It has customized modules for learning, a test simulator as well as tutoring for the Comipems admission process.

Similarly, on the platform they point out that tasks can be sent via Whatsapp or Classroom and are graded automatically. It also has subjects from the baccalaureate in general, for EXANI I and II or vocational training.

In the case of courses for the admission exam it contains subjects such as:

examen Comipems: @SecretariaIPN

* Biology: Comipems covers topics of evolution, living things and their components, ecology, the cell, human reproduction and health.

* Physics: Compems contains contents on measurement, magnitude, unit, International System of Units, prefixes, final test, vector, properties of matter, kinematics, dynamics, heat and temperature, electrostatics, electric charge and Coulumb's law, electric current, electromagnetism.

* History of Mexico: with themes on the pre-Hispanic era, the conquest, the colony, the Viceroyalty, Independence, the Porfiriato and the Restored Republic, the Mexican Revolution.

* Spanish and Verbal Reasoning: it has sections such as distinguishing between facts and opinions, analogies, reading comprehension, synonyms, paronyms and homonyms, cohesion, links, language and communication,

* Language and Comprehension: structure of the text and punctuation marks.

* Mathematics: arithmetic, introduction to material, meaning of numbers, compare fractions and decimals, whole numbers, negatives and integers, least common multiple, greatest common divisor, decimals, developed notation, long decision of prime numbers, proportionality, fractions, algebra, geometry, probability, presentation and processing of information.

* Chemistry: atoms, matter, molecules, chemical reactions, solvents, solutions, solutes, oxygen, oxidizing, carbon chemistry, hydrocarbon structure, structure of functional groups, structures of biomolecules such as lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.

Free platform to study topics contained in the Comipems Exam (Photo: SECTEI)

The platform has mind maps, summaries, gifs, learning progress can be saved on each topic, it has real-time interaction between teachers and the student community that joins the specific class. The courses were designed by experienced teachers and teachers in accordance with the curricula of the Ministry of Education Public (SEP).

If students have any questions or comments regarding the platform and courses, they can write to or via Whatsapp at 33 13 49 37 94.

Steps to register for the Comipems Course

* The student must visit Seneca's website at

* The next step is to click on create account, where you must enter the first and last name, an email and a password.

* Then choose the option that identifies you as a student, if you are a minor you can put the email of the father, mother or legal guardian to follow up on academic activities, on the contrary, if the student is of legal age, you must click on that section that will be supervised alone.

* Then, start the session and within the platform will explain some questions and you will have to choose the courses of interest.

