César Pachón denounced that the Registrar's Office took the 17th place from the Historical Pact: “They want to steal our votes”

Today's congressman from Boyacá was not enough, at the last minute, to be elected to the group of senators of petrianism who will legislate in the next parliamentary term


Today's representative to the House, César Pachón, who was competing for a seat in the Historical Pact for the Senate of the Republic, denounced that the National Civil Status Registry would have taken away his seat in Congress for the other electoral period.

This was stated through his Twitter account, stating that the Historical Pact had won 17 seats and not 16, following the results of the legislative elections of March 13. According to the congressman, the entity would have committed electoral fraud.

Recording himself with a board in hand, Pachón says he did the calculations to confirm his complaint and claims that he has “found quite a few inconsistencies”; he even spoke of a “theft of votes in the Registrar's Office,” he added.

According to the congressman, at 2:00 a.m. on March 14 there were tables that had not reported the votes obtained; in addition, he says that it seems “illogical” that 26 polling stations did not report votes for the Historical Pact, the most voted consultation in the past elections.

“They can accommodate the data they want and the vote for whoever they want,” said the parliamentarian petrista, who represents Boyacá in parliament and who will end his first term on July 20.

Along these lines, César Pachón asked the lawyers of several municipalities that have not reported their results to address the registrars and corroborate the votes obtained; with this, the congressman seeks to be elected and move from the House to the Senate because of petrianism. “To all the comrades of the Historical Pact, we are not only talking about César Pachón in 17th place, we are talking about 21 or 22 or even more seats, to have majorities in Congress. They want to steal our votes,” he warned.

Another one who also addressed the issue was presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, who was elected in those same elections, and who asked his litigants to investigate the tables where votes are not yet reported; Petro's idea is to obtain more seats in his coalition and to have greater governance in the event that he wins the elections presidential.

“All our lawyers at the polling tables must take care of the votes of both the Covenant and the Citizen Force. It is a fact that tens of thousands of votes have disappeared at homogeneous jury tables. At least 29,000 tables,” Petro said on his Twitter account.

For now, the senators elected by the Historical Pact are:

-Gustavo Bolivar

-Maria Jose Pizarro

-Alexander Lopez Maya

-Aida Avella

-Roy Barriers

-Martha Isabel Peralta Epieyu

-Ivan Cepeda Castro

-Piedad Cordoba

-Pedro Hernando Florez Porras

Isabel Cristina Zuleta Lopez

-Alex Xavier Florez Hernandez

-Clara Lopez

-Robert Daza Guevara

-Yuly Esmeralda Hernandez Silva

-Wilson Arias

-Gloria Ines Florez

Criticism of the Registrar's Office has come since last Sunday because its digital platforms did not work properly during election day; moreover, this Monday, they have been criticized because, allegedly, several E-14 forms were altered. Most reports say that the fraud would have been committed in favor of Federico 'Fico' Gutiérrez, winner of the Team's inter-party consultation for Colombia.

“And there is a second part, the alleged corruption on forms E-14, evident benefit to Fico Gutiérrez and his victory of the day. It is clear to us that the registry office offers no guarantees. What a terrible thing, and there is one more than that,” wrote @SantiagoMariniV, one of the whistleblowers on Twitter.

It should be remembered that the E-14 is one of the formats that the juries of each voting station have to fill in to consolidate the numbers of votes that the candidates or parties received. The document has the name of each applicant printed on it and next to it there are three empty boxes so that they can be filled digit by digit of the total number of votes.

