Aníbal Torres: “If Pedro Castillo is vacated, it is not known who will rule the country”

The Prime Minister, Aníbal Torres, spoke from Abancay on the decision of the Congress of the Republic to approve the vacancy motion against Pedro Castillo.




From Apurímac, Abancay, the president of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, spoke on the decision that the congress has just taken on the motion of vacancy against Pedro Castillo.

The head of the PCM, was against such actions by parliamentarians, since he assured that there is a very large sector that does not let the president work, since they do not accept his victory in the elections.

Likewise, he said that if Castillo is to be vacated, there will be much uncertainty in our country, especially since we do not know who will govern Peru.

“If Pedro Castillo is vacated, nobody knows who will be president, no one, not even the vice-president (Dina Boluarte) can be sure. We don't know what is going to happen, maybe the law applies and vacationers already know where they are going to end up,” he said.

Torres expressed this concern during the installation of the technical table in Apurimac. The head of the Council of Ministers, also severely questioned the right wing. “For that political class that now wants to empty the president, none of us here have the conditions to be president, because we don't meet the racial characteristics that they probably have,” he argued.

He also kept ranting against Fujimorism, the political party he blamed for the country's political crisis. “They destroyed Peru and come to tell us how we should govern. We know Peru, the social reality; we also know about books and the rest of the world, we don't ignore that,” he said.

During his speech, Torres Vasquez also spoke about the administration of Castillo Terrones, which he considered to be “despised” by a section of the opposition in Congress.

This government is now despised by the right and far right who ruled Peru for 200 years of republican life,” said the prime minister.

All of us who are here for that political class that now wants to empty the president, none of us who are here have the conditions to be president because we don't meet the racial characteristics that they probably have,” he added.

Likewise, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers remarked that “we all need each other here” and emphasized that “the people need the Government and the Government of the people”.

In addition, Minister Torres, assured that the Castillo government represents the people and that is why he questions those who try to empty the head of state.

“Peru must first be ahead of individual interests, of group interests. We have to work together to overcome those problems that we have in those fields that I have just mentioned.”


The parliamentarian of Peru Libre, Silvana Robles, in rejection of the congressional decision, expressed through this social network that “If Congress wants to trample on the rule of law, the people will remind them what democracy is.”

For her part, Congresswoman Patricia Chirinos, took the admission to debate of the motion against the head of state in a good way.

“Today we took a first step towards restoring peace of mind to the country. The occupant of Palacio will have to appear before Congress and answer for the obvious corruption of his misrule ,” he said on Twitter.

Later, Congresswoman Isabel Cortez also spoke out and did not hesitate to support Pedro Castillo.

“We have said it again and again: if they vacate the president, we all leave. Like when the usurper Merino took the presidency, they believed that we would do nothing. They saw us on the streets and they'll see us again. The popular vote is respected. If you want the presidency, you are going to win elections,” wrote the parliamentarian.


With 76 votes in favor, 41 against and one abstention, on the afternoon of Monday, March 14, the plenary of Congress admitted to debate the vacancy motion against Pedro Castillo, who was summoned to give his dismissal on March 28 at 5 pm.


