AMLO insisted that his government does not persecute or censor journalists: “Not even with the petal of a rose”

The president thanked the opposition press for helping his government to deny “the idea that journalism is like the castle of purity”

MEX3863. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (MÉXICO), 28/01/2020.- El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, habla durante su rueda de prensa matutina este martes, en el Palacio nacional en Ciudad de México (México). Obrador aumentó este martes la polémica para deshacerse del avión presidencial, un Boeing 787 adquirido en 2015 con un costo millonario, al mostrar el diseño del boleto para el potencial sorteo. El mandatario dijo que la semana próxima resolverá el tema ya que sostendrá una reunión con los participantes del gabinete sobre este asunto. EFE/ José Méndez
MEX3863. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (MÉXICO), 28/01/2020.- El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, habla durante su rueda de prensa matutina este martes, en el Palacio nacional en Ciudad de México (México). Obrador aumentó este martes la polémica para deshacerse del avión presidencial, un Boeing 787 adquirido en 2015 con un costo millonario, al mostrar el diseño del boleto para el potencial sorteo. El mandatario dijo que la semana próxima resolverá el tema ya que sostendrá una reunión con los participantes del gabinete sobre este asunto. EFE/ José Méndez

The president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), again denied that his government persecutes or censors journalists who criticize his administration, this, despite pointing out, a again, that some of them “act as mercenaries” and “defenders of vested interest groups”.

Along the same lines, the president even stressed that media reports and investigations against his government serve to deny “the idea that journalism is like the castle of purity”: “We have the opportunity to confront,” he said.

The latter is due to the president's insistence that the salaries and assets of those journalists who, he claims, receive annual income higher than what he enjoys, being Carlos Loret de Mola is one of the most mentioned in his speeches.

“We ask Loret to make known how much she earns, what her assets are. But not only Loret, but all these journalists who act as mercenaries and defend vested interest groups. They are defenders of corruption.”

“I continue to call for all of us to make our assets known,” he urged at his morning conference, assuring that he “is poor” compared to the alleged income that these journalists would receive.

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