Alicia Franco, the 87-year-old woman who “burned” for the senate and now wants to be president

The woman, faithful to Uribism, longed for a seat, but now she says that she will come to govern as she wants in four years




During the electoral season, different candidates emerge who manage to surprise with their results; celebrities, athletes, presenters, ordinary people and influencers, who seek to achieve their dream, which in this case is to reach the Elliptical Hall of the National Capitol of Colombia. Among many cases, the name of Alicia Franco emerges, an 87-year-old from Santander who did not win her seat in the senate, but from now on she dreams of the presidency for the year 2020.

After learning the result of her defeat, the former candidate mentioned: “Thank you Colombians to those who supported me with their votes to do their best God bless them greatly in 4 years we are going to the presidency to govern this country and govern it well as I want”.

According to RCN Radio, the woman born in the municipality of Guadalupe, Santander, embarked on her way to the Senate depending solely on her savings, however, in the small town where she originated, the votes were not enough, since in total she won 3,214 votes, setting a low number compared to her peers in party, however, had a significant impact because it was not known in national politics and besides this, it had never held public office.

Despite her advanced age, she still has a firm dream and that is to become president of the republic, predicting that she would do so in 4 years, that is, by the period 2026-2030, by that time the woman would be 91 years old, being a historic age for a national leader in Colombia, if he were to achieve his purpose.

Because of her characteristics, the woman won the affection of several Colombians who praised her on social networks. Before the elections, Alicia Franco sent a heartfelt message: “Uribista family you became my family, I want to meet each one of you and give you a big hug, thank you for your beautiful messages and your support unconditional. I LOVE THEM. We're going to win.” .

A week ago, in an interview with the newspaper El Espectador, the woman spoke about the proposals she would have on her dream arrival in the Senate, highlighting that she was looking for better opportunities for citizens, in addition to liberating the country from the left, stressing that she had no research and that her main objective was to improve the salary of the security forces, adding that these officials could defend themselves with their weapons.

Franco, in turn, stated in the interview that he would end the Peace Agreement, since this had been a deception that Juan Manuel Santos carried out, in addition to this, he said that he would not enter into any type of negotiation with the ELN, stressing that terrorists are fighting and unsubscribing.

El Espectador also asked the former candidate about her position on the rights of LGBT+ communities, to which the woman did not respond. In addition, she indicated that churches would not have to pay taxes, as they collaborate with Colombia and pointed out that she was against abortion, since God was the only one with the power to end life.

These proposals tend to generate controversy in the midst of a country polarized between the left and the right, some consider that the position of the former candidate marks an important trend from a conservative ultra-right idea, noting that she adapts well within this political line, although Alicia Franco dreamed of reaching the senate, in this opportunity did not reach him, so now his project, as he has already mentioned, is the Casa de Nariño.

Among the most prominent names of those candidates who did not reach a seat are: Luis Colmenares, Mabel Lara, Catherine Ibargüen, Carlos Fernando Galán, Andrés Motta, Antonio Sanguino, Edward Rodriguez, Cesar Lorduy, Hollman Morris and Hugo Ospina, some with a past as lobbyists and others with a new political project, without However, they are part of the famous burn list of these legislative elections.


