Abuse and torture in Corrientes: allegations against the director of a children's home of Governor Virasoro are investigated

The provincial judiciary announced the progress in the context of the case against the head of the “Rincón de Luz” and “Maria de Nazareth” Home. The official resigned




The Correntina Justice investigates complaints against the director of a children's home in the city of Gobernador Virasoro. She is charged with the crime of breach of public servant duties. This morning, the alleged victim returned to Judge Silvia Erika Benitez and reaffirmed her desire not to move forward with the investigation into alleged sexual abuse: her brother, on the other hand, appeared as a complainant in the case.

According to a statement from the Judicial Branch of the province of Corrientes, it all started on April 9, 2021 with the complaint of a former employee of the “Rincón de Luz” Home. “During the time I was there I saw many injustices, very severe sanctions. That's what they called him: it wasn't punishments, but sanctions, which sometimes lasted a month and consisted of leaving the boys locked up in the rooms and not letting them out,” said the woman, identified as L.N.A., in statements to El Libertador.

Three months later, S.P., the head of “Rincón de Luz”, was summoned to give an inquiry and intervention was given to the Juvenile Counseling. While “the file was in process”, the case took up relevance again on March 10 when the brother of an alleged victim, with the patronage of lawyer Eduardo Etchegaray Centeno, filed as a complainant before the Judge of Guarantees.

In that presentation, he requested the arrest and charge of S.P. for the offence provided for in article No. 125 and No. 125 Bis of the Criminal Code (“One who promotes or facilitates corruption of minors under eighteen”) and of a person named M., for the offences provided for and punishable in article No. 120 (” Statutory rape”).

Provided that, according to the evidence of the record, it is determined that he committed the crime of sexual abuse pursuant to article 119, paragraph 1 and 3,” states the complainant. The facts described refer to and refer to the statements reported by the complainant L.N.A. in the City Prosecutor's Office.

Women also resigned from the Coordination of Institutions of the Children's Directorate, a provincial position they also held

On Friday, March 11, Judge Benítez quoted the children and young people residing in the “Rincón de Luz” (women) and “Maria de Nazareth” (men) home to testimony. Two are 21 and 18 years old, but the boys aged 13, 11 and 9 were ordered a Gesell Chamber. The magistrate seeks to verify whether they present indicators of sexual abuse like any other traumatic experience, likely to generate alterations in the psyche and behavior of minors.

In addition, the Court of Instruction and Corrections (in transition) of São Tomé was urged to report the existence of cases concerning S.P. in relation to sexual abuse in the Children's Home under its charge, including by having as an accused and/or suspect witness a person identified by the name of M. (who would own a premises commercial), and, where appropriate, inform the details of the case and the procedural status of the same.

On 11 March, the testimony was also received to the alleged victim, 18 years old, who stated that she did not want to file a complaint and never wanted to do so. For this reason, and in order for it to ratify or rectify what was stated in the letter of complaint submitted by her brother, she was summoned to the court, and then rehearing the holder of the criminal action.

On Friday 12, two interviews were held in Cámara Gesell and the alleged victim gave a statement: “So far there is not enough merit to order the arrest of a person accused and/or suspected of a crime in the present case,” the statement clarified the Judiciary of the province of Corrientes.

It continues: “In view of complaints of child abuse and sexual abuse in the Maria de Nazareth and Rincón de Luz Homes, the Tax Unit for Concrete Investigations” and the Public Prosecutor's Office began to investigate the case. For her part, the Counselor for Minors reported that she already sent her report to the Attorney General's Office on Saturday afternoon.

The release of the now former director of the “Rincón de Luz” Home

Crimes against sexual integrity are private, therefore, and especially taking into account the testimonial statement, the alleged victim was summoned for this Monday 14 to give an extension of the testimonial statement and ratify or rectify the terms contained in the brief submitted by her brother D.I.M.

“This morning he presented himself and confirmed that he does not want to change what was said on Friday, that is, he does not want to move forward with the investigation into alleged sexual abuse. Dr. Benítez was aware of the hearing held today with the Prosecutor,” they indicate from the Judiciary of Corrientes.

Meanwhile, the accused used her Facebook account to share a message in which she announced her removal from the Coordination of Institutions of the Children's Directorate, a provincial position she also held. In his publication he indicated that he did so with the purpose of “clearing” his good name in the corresponding field: “Justice”.

“I believe that false accusations affect not only me but a beautiful team that does everything to achieve excellent results. I leave knowing that justice and time will put things in order. And I am grateful for the friendship, solidarity and accompaniment of all the actors who carry out tasks in the institutions. Thanks to the hundreds of people who wrote to me giving their support and to those who have collaborated with the work in these years”, he added.


