They ordered preventive detention to the only detainee for the incidents that occurred in Congress

Meanwhile, the federal justice system is investigating the facts against the office of Vice President Cristina Kirchner


The Buenos Aires justice ordered the preventive detention of the only detainee on Monday for the incidents that occurred around the National Congress last Thursday during the treatment in the Chamber of Deputies of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund. The detainee, who would belong to the left-wing group Teresa Rodríguez, was accused of being part of an unlawful association that led and coordinated the incidents perpetrated in the vicinity of Parliament.

It was reported that at a hearing held in the morning, the East Flagrancy Unit of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the City Prosecutor in charge of Mariano Camblong requested the defendant's pretrial detention, which was signed by the head of the Criminal Contraventional and Misdemeanor Court No. 23, Norberto Circo. It transpired that the accused was identified as Oscar Ramón Santillán, who had no record.

The detainee is attributed the crimes of attack against aggravated authority - because it was committed by a meeting of more than three persons - with respect to the personnel of the City Police who were in office at that time, aggravated damage against different elements that make up the assets of the City of Buenos Aires, obstruction of public roads, littering property, and carrying non-conventional weapons.

The detainee would belong to a group of the Left (Nicolás Stulberg)

As evidence, the East Flagrancy Unit presented several testimonial statements from numerous witnesses to the events - including members of the security forces - photographs and footage provided by the Judicial Investigations Corps of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the City, by the Police of the City and also from open sources and minutes and reports made by different agencies. Finally, at the hearing held, the Court accepted the request for preventive detention for the accused by the Unit of Flagrancia, while the judicial process proceeds.

This case is just one of those that were opened by what happened around the Congress. The Buenos Aires Justice is also processing another investigation into the injuries suffered by a policeman who participated in the operation to contain the protesters and ended up with a burned leg.

Meanwhile, in the Comodoro Py court, Judge María Eugenia Capuchetti, who was on duty with the Federal Police during the treatment of the bill last Thursday, is in charge of the investigation into the incidents that occurred against the National Congress building, where the office of the Vice President Cristina Kirchner. As Infobae learned, Judge Capuchetti ordered a battery of measures to identify the aggressors who remain under reserve.

The damage of one of the windows of Cristina Kirchner's office

It was Cristina Kirchner who was responsible for broadcasting in the early hours of Friday, after the bill was approved in the lower house with the resistance of La Campora, a video showing how her office had turned out. This Monday also showed the images taken by the Federal Police of those responsible for throwing paint and stones at the front of the building, where the vice president's office is located.

“Someone planned it and had it executed,” said Cristina Kirchner on her social networks. “The video you are going to see shows you in real time, from the outside and from the inside (in the latter case only after 12 minutes after the stone began), the attack against the Vice President of the Argentine Republic that someone planned and ordered to execute. Serious,” he wrote. The episode reinforced tension between the different forces that make up the Frente de Todos, where Kirchnerist and member of La Campora Andrés Larroque complained about internal reactions: “The silence and parsimony of the government in the face of the attack on the Vice-President's office are stunned,” he said.

